Riverside Sunbeams, Portland Guards Win Awards

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Congratulations go to the Riverside, Calif., Sunbeam troop and the Portland Tabernacle, Ore., Girl Guard troop, the new Territorial Champions for 1996. “These troops were also champions in 1995,” says Territorial Guard and Sunbeam Director Captain Glenda Berko, “showing consistent leadership and effort.”

Each year, troops accumulate points monthly, based on the girls’ activities. Points are given for attendance, emblem work, high awards, leadership, service projects, and activities. To reach Achieve-ment, Sunbeam troops must earn at least 65 points and Girl Guard troops must earn 55 points. The Riverside Sunbeams earned a total of 184 points and the Portland Tabernacle Guards reached a total of 160 points.

Taking second place were the Glendale, Ariz., Sunbeams, with 124 points and the Modesto Red Shield Girl Guards, with 122 points.

A total of 111 Achievement Awards were issued for 1996, 60 for Sunbeams and 51 for Guards.

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riverside sunbeams, portland guards win awards. congratulations go to the riverside, calif., sunbeam troop and the portland tabernacle, ore., girl guard troop, the new territorial champions for 1996. “these troops were also champions in 1995,” says territorial guard and sunbeam director captain glenda berko, “showing consistent leadership and effort.”. each year, troops accumulate points monthly, based on the girls’ activities. points are given for attendance, emblem work, high awards, leadership, service projects, and activities. to reach achieve-ment, sunbeam troops must earn at least 65 points and girl guard troops must earn 55 points. the riverside sunbeams earned a total of 184 points and the portland tabernacle guards reached a total of 160 points. taking second place were the glendale, ariz., sunbeams, with 124 points and the modesto red shield girl guards, with 122 points. a total of 111 achievement awards were issued for 1996, 60 for sunbeams and 51 for guards.
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