Recovery breakfast celebrates sobriety

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An opportunity to break bread with the General! Several hundred people in recovery will be doing just that on Saturday, June 19 at the First Church of the Nazarene in Pasadena, California. This event will begin what is forecast to be an incredible day of activities. Breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m. with a program that will be both exciting and encouraging.

General John Larsson is the guest speaker and is expecting to challenge the breakfast crowd who will not only be hungry for a delicious meal but for the Bread of Life. The program will be an occasion for people who have experienced life starved of hope and meaning but who have done “an about face,” marching to a New Song. A gathering such as this gives men and women a positive reinforcement that Christian fellowship is essential and desirable.

But… a Recovery Breakfast during Commissioning Weekend? Perfect! As we celebrate lives being dedicated to full-time service for Jesus, this event will be a confirmation of those who have re-dedicated their lives to God on their road to recovery.

The Salvation Army’s recovery programs are many in the Southern California area with 11 Adult Rehabilitation Centers ranging from Bakersfield north to as far south as San Diego. Three major recovery programs in the Southern California Division are the Los Angeles Harbor Light, Bell Shelter, and Safe Harbor, all of which are expected to be in attendance.

Two particular elements of worship that are always a source of excitement at these events come from the anticipated time of sharing through testimonies as well as exciting music which is being provided by the Harbor Light Choir. “ I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life. I am the Bread of Life.” Jesus’ words speak loud and clear to those who seek him with all their heart and the anticipation of hundreds of people who have done just that–
meeting together, breaking bread literally, praising the Savior as one temporary congregation…all these elements add up to one mighty expression that God is still working miracles!

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… and after he brought them [Paul and Silas] out, he said, “Sirs,

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recovery breakfast celebrates sobriety. an opportunity to break bread with the general! several hundred people in recovery will be doing just that on saturday, june 19 at the first church of the nazarene in pasadena, california. this event will begin what is forecast to be an incredible day of activities. breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m. with a program that will be both exciting and encouraging. general john larsson is the guest speaker and is expecting to challenge the breakfast crowd who will not only be hungry for a delicious meal but for the bread of life. the program will be an occasion for people who have experienced life starved of hope and meaning but who have done “an about face,” marching to a new song. a gathering such as this gives men and women a positive reinforcement that christian fellowship is essential and desirable. but… a recovery breakfast during commissioning weekend? perfect! as we celebrate lives being dedicated to full-time service for jesus, this event will be a confirmation of those who have re-dedicated their lives to god on their road to recovery. the salvation army’s recovery programs are many in the southern california area with 11 adult rehabilitation centers ranging from bakersfield north to as far south as san diego. three major recovery programs in the southern california division are the los angeles harbor light, bell shelter, and safe harbor, all of which are expected to be in attendance. two particular elements of worship that are always a source of excitement at these events come from the anticipated time of sharing through testimonies as well as exciting music which is being provided by the harbor light choir. “ i tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life. i am the bread of life.” jesus’ words speak loud and clear to those who seek him with all their heart and the anticipation of hundreds of people who have done just that– meeting together, breaking bread literally, praising the savior as one temporary congregation…all these elements add up to one mighty expression that god is still working miracles!
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