Rader Calls World to Prayer

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In response to the General’s call to prayer, an International Day of Prayer linking Salvationists in every territory and command will take place on Sunday May 26, 1996.

I have never been more persuaded than now of the potential power of faith focused on agreed objectives in prayer. We have at our disposal a global prayer partnership. “If two of you agree on earth about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.” (Matthew 18:19) What a staggering thought! Hundreds of thousands of Salvationists in more than 100 lands will join together on this day in lifting these petitions to the Throne of Grace, Mercy and Power. And God says he will act. It is to be believed.

By prayer, every Salvationist can touch the world-literally, powerfully. And we can touch one another.


“There is a scene where spirits blend
And friend holds fellowship with friend;
Though sundered far, by faith they meet
Around one common mercy seat.”

Prayer-united, agreed, believing together for God to act on behalf of His people, this is Salvation Army internationalism at its best. It is the most meaningful possible “partnership in mission.” Let every Salvationist around the world-from the newest recruit to the most senior soldier-join in this global concert of prayer. God will hear and answer His people at prayer. We will look to see what breakthroughs result.

God bless you!




A World-Wide Prayer List Day of Prayer

International Prayer Requests From Africa

Congo: Pray for the reinforcement of the officers and soldiers of the territory in personal holiness, evangelical fervor and holy confidence in the Lord to meet the spiritual hunger of the nation; East Africa: The 75th Anniversary celebrations of The Salvation Army in East Africa which will be led by General Paul Rader in October 1996; Ghana and Liberia: The expansion of Salvation Army operations in the Northern and Western Regions of Ghana, where new corps have already been opened; Nigeria: Please pray that each soldier may win another person for Christ and disciple that person; Southern Africa: The high level of political and criminally motivated violence in South Africa gives cause for concern. Pray for wisdom for national leaders, courage for church leaders to participate in a mission of reconciliation, and safety and security for all people, including Salvationists; Zaire and Angola: Zaire is experiencing the arrival of many deviant cults and sects. They are making inroads in the lives of many people. We ask for prayer that our young Salvationists will be sufficiently strong in their faith to overcome these temptations; Zambia and Malawi: In connection with the AIDS disease, please pray for grieving families, for children who are left as orphans, for future national leadership and for sexual purity within the ranks of The Salvation Army; Zimbabwe: Please pray for the end of the drought in Zimbabwe and the sending of sufficient rains for the people’s needs.

From the South Pacific and East Asia

Japan: The young people of Japan. They face many temptations in this alien environment for Christianity. We need many of them to dedicate their lives for full time service as officers; Australia Southern: For a renewed emphasis on holiness living and teaching. The unhelpful influence of the excesses of the “Toronto Blessing” and the more overt charismatic expressions are diverting people’s attention away from the Army’s emphasis on holiness as a way of Christian life; Singapore/Malaysia and Myanmar: Eight corps plants being established across the command; Indonesia: Commencement of Army’s work in Iran Jaya by 1997. There are already Salvationist families living in the cities of Sorong and Jaya Pura; Korea: Reunification of the motherland-North and South Korea-and the rebuilding of God’s church in North Korea; Australia Eastern: The Program of Corps Planting and Corps Renewal at present being implemented in the territory; Papua New Guinea: The Law and Order situation, especially as it affects the officers and envoys of the command; New Zealand/Fiji: The successful evangelization of clients now at community and family centers throughout the territory; Hong Kong and Taiwan Command: A sense of stability among the people of Hong Kong as the command faces the handing over of sovereignty by the British to the Chinese government on July 1, 1997; Philippines: That the officers will be inspired as they continue to endeavor in faith to expand into new areas of opening in keeping with the goal of the territory by the year 1000 A.D.; i.e. 200 corps with 20,000 soldiers/adherents by the year 2000.

From the Americas and Caribbean

National Headquarters: The recruitment of candidates; USA Eastern: Resources and personnel for the opening of 16 new corps in 1996; USA Western: Cross-cultural ministries; USA Central: Bridge building in the Social Services ministries;USA Southern: “Mission Atlanta”-Evangelistic outreach for the 1996 Olympics; Latin America North: The opening of the work in Caracas, Venezuela; South America East: New corps opening in the city of Mar del Plata; Brazil: Vision and Mission 2000-a five-year plan; South America West: The New Five Year Plan for the territory which will center on conversions leading to soldiership; Caribbean: The development of dedicated and efficient leaders within the territory; Canada & Bermuda: For the spirit of revival and renewal that will bring to realization the goals of evangelism and discipleship throughout The Salvation Army.

From Europe

France: That our action at Calais and Grenoble may be developed, that we may find the adequate premises and that they be made profitable by a new effort in evangelism and social action; Finland: The pioneer work in Estonia, that the work should be firmly established and that the soul-saving and soldier making effort will succeed;Sweden and Latvia: The Salvation Army in Latvia. The need for further extensive development of the Army’s ministry there, i.e. new corps, workers for the harvest; Germany: New outreach in the eastern part of Germany; United Kingdom: That prayerful consideration be given regarding the structural and reorganizational changes being planned for, and taking place, in the United Kingdom Territory; Netherlands (with Czech Republic): Finding opportunities to bring the Gospel in contemporary Holland. Corps work in the Czech Republic, especially the work among the children and the youth; Russia: The discipling of converts and training of soldiery. Converts to be “grounded” in the faith. Spiritual commitment. Commissioning of local officers. Local officers and soldiers’ training.

From South Asia

India South Western: Spiritual unity of the soldiers of the territory; Sri Lanka: That the political situation will be resolved and that the conflict/war will come to an end. Pray also for the safety of all Salvationists; Bangladesh: Pray for the 13 candidates in the present Training Session, and for the 26 candidates applicants. Give thanks to God for 25 years of Salvation Army Service in Bangladesh; India South Eastern: Holy Spirit at work among secret Christians; India Central: Andhra Pradesh is prone to cyclone and heavy rains. Even during October and November this year there were heavy rains. Many people are homeless and passing through difficult circumstances. We would like you to pray for these natural calamities; India Western: Greater understanding of officers and soldiers of the need for territory to move toward self support; India Northern: MacRobert Hospital, Dhariwal. Community Health and AIDS program in New Delhi.


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rader calls world to prayer. in response to the general’s call to prayer, an international day of prayer linking salvationists in every territory and command will take place on sunday may 26, 1996. i have never been more persuaded than now of the potential power of faith focused on agreed objectives in prayer. we have at our disposal a global prayer partnership. “if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my father in heaven.” (matthew 18:19) what a staggering thought! hundreds of thousands of salvationists in more than 100 lands will join together on this day in lifting these petitions to the throne of grace, mercy and power. and god says he will act. it is to be believed. by prayer, every salvationist can touch the world-literally, powerfully. and we can touch one another. “there is a scene where spirits blend and friend holds fellowship with friend; though sundered far, by faith they meet around one common mercy seat.”. prayer-united, agreed, believing together for god to act on behalf of his people, this is salvation army internationalism at its best. it is the most meaningful possible “partnership in mission.” let every salvationist around the world-from the newest recruit to the most senior soldier-join in this global concert of prayer. god will hear and answer his people at prayer. we will look to see what breakthroughs result. god bless you! sincerely,. general. a world-wide prayer list day of prayer. international prayer requests from africa. congo: pray for the reinforcement of the officers and soldiers of the territory in personal holiness, evangelical fervor and holy confidence in the lord to meet the spiritual hunger of the nation; east africa: the 75th anniversary celebrations of the salvation army in east africa which will be led by general paul rader in october 1996; ghana and liberia: the expansion of salvation army operations in the northern and western regions of ghana, where new corps have already been opened; nigeria: please pray that each soldier may win another person for christ and disciple that person; southern africa: the high level of political and criminally motivated violence in south africa gives cause for concern. pray for wisdom for national leaders, courage for church leaders to participate in a mission of reconciliation, and safety and security for all people, including salvationists; zaire and angola: zaire is experiencing the arrival of many deviant cults and sects. they are making inroads in the lives of many people. we ask for prayer that our young salvationists will be sufficiently strong in their faith to overcome these temptations; zambia and malawi: in connection with the aids disease, please pray for grieving families, for children who are left as orphans, for future national leadership and for sexual purity within the ranks of the salvation army; zimbabwe: please pray for the end of the drought in zimbabwe and the sending of sufficient rains for the people’s needs. from the south pacific and east asia. japan: the young people of japan. they face many temptations in this alien environment for christianity. we need many of them to dedicate their lives for full time service as officers; australia southern: for a renewed emphasis on holiness living and teaching. the unhelpful influence of the excesses of the “toronto blessing” and the more overt charismatic expressions are diverting people’s attention away from the army’s emphasis on holiness as a way of christian life; singapore/malaysia and myanmar: eight corps plants being established across the command; indonesia: commencement of army’s work in iran jaya by 1997. there are already salvationist families living in the cities of sorong and jaya pura; korea: reunification of the motherland-north and south korea-and the rebuilding of god’s church in north korea; australia eastern: the program of corps planting and corps renewal at present being implemented in the territory; papua new guinea: the law and order situation, especially as it affects the officers and envoys of the command; new zealand/fiji: the successful evangelization of clients now at community and family centers throughout the territory; hong kong and taiwan command: a sense of stability among the people of hong kong as the command faces the handing over of sovereignty by the british to the chinese government on july 1, 1997; philippines: that the officers will be inspired as they continue to endeavor in faith to expand into new areas of opening in keeping with the goal of the territory by the year 1000 a.d.; i.e. 200 corps with 20,000 soldiers/adherents by the year 2000. from the americas and caribbean. national headquarters: the recruitment of candidates; usa eastern: resources and personnel for the opening of 16 new corps in 1996; usa western: cross-cultural ministries; usa central: bridge building in the social services ministries;usa southern: “mission atlanta”-evangelistic outreach for the 1996 olympics; latin america north: the opening of the work in caracas, venezuela; south america east: new corps opening in the city of mar del plata; brazil: vision and mission 2000-a five-year plan; south america west: the new five year plan for the territory which will center on conversions leading to soldiership; caribbean: the development of dedicated and efficient leaders within the territory; canada bermuda: for the spirit of revival and renewal that will bring to realization the goals of evangelism and discipleship throughout the salvation army. from europe. france: that our action at calais and grenoble may be developed, that we may find the adequate premises and that they be made profitable by a new effort in evangelism and social action; finland: the pioneer work in estonia, that the work should be firmly established and that the soul-saving and soldier making effort will succeed;sweden and latvia: the salvation army in latvia. the need for further extensive development of the army’s ministry there, i.e. new corps, workers for the harvest; germany: new outreach in the eastern part of germany; united kingdom: that prayerful consideration be given regarding the structural and reorganizational changes being planned for, and taking place, in the united kingdom territory; netherlands (with czech republic): finding opportunities to bring the gospel in contemporary holland. corps work in the czech republic, especially the work among the children and the youth; russia: the discipling of converts and training of soldiery. converts to be “grounded” in the faith. spiritual commitment. commissioning of local officers. local officers and soldiers’ training. from south asia. india south western: spiritual unity of the soldiers of the territory; sri lanka: that the political situation will be resolved and that the conflict/war will come to an end. pray also for the safety of all salvationists; bangladesh: pray for the 13 candidates in the present training session, and for the 26 candidates applicants. give thanks to god for 25 years of salvation army service in bangladesh; india south eastern: holy spirit at work among secret christians; india central: andhra pradesh is prone to cyclone and heavy rains. even during october and november this year there were heavy rains. many people are homeless and passing through difficult circumstances. we would like you to pray for these natural calamities; india western: greater understanding of officers and soldiers of the need for territory to move toward self support; india northern: macrobert hospital, dhariwal. community health and aids program in new delhi.
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