Outstanding employees honored

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Territorial Business Conference

Four Army employees receive the Outstanding Service Award at the Business Conference.


Enthusiastic applause greeted each recipient of the Outstanding Service Award, presented during the Hall of Fame Banquet at the 2006 Western Territorial Business Conference.

Territorial Commander Commissioner Philip Swyers and Secretary for Business Administration Lt. Colonel Kurt Burger presented the awards, commending the recipients for their outstanding service. The selected individuals fulfill The Salvation Army’s promise to “Do the Most Good” with their competence and excellence in innovation, accomplishments and human relationships.

As director of Business Services in the Del Oro Division, David Bentley has enhanced the quality of service to the field. He has improved the property proposal process, supervised property projects and generated funding. He has served as mentor to corps officers.

At Territorial Headquarters, Richard Freeman works as field software manager, using technology to further the work of The Salvation Army throughout the Western Territory. He contributed significantly to the Army being recognized in 2005 as one of the nation’s top innovators in the information technology field.

Pamela Laverty has had exceptional fundraising success as financial development director for the Intermountain Division. A strong team player, she incorporates all Community Relations Department disciplines in promoting increased and improved donor focus.

Assuming direction of the Northwest Division’s Finance Department during its reorganization, Stefan Wennstig upgraded the personnel and practices of the department for more efficient operations by streamlining and modernizing accounting procedures.

These Army employees work tirelessly, often behind the scenes without fanfare, to make The Salvation Army the best it can be.

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