Recently, at a Divine Service held in Yakima, Wash., Sunbeam Leader Pauline Hunter presented Commissioner’s Sunbeam Awards to seven girls. When asked why they liked belonging, they said, “because it is fun–because Pauline is the best leader, and we learn a lot.”
Awards were given to Sunbeams Martha Ayala, Kimberly Bookout, Cristina Castaneda, Kimberly Columbia, Dusti Langton, Rachel Moline, and Samantha Reyes.
Corps officers Majors David and Deanna Sholin were on hand to share their congratulations with the girls and their families.
After the service, the Sunbeams, with leaders Hunter and Velma Summerlin, Adventure Corps with leaders Betty Norman and Kathy Johnson, and the Girl Guards with leaders Becki Barnett, Su Ordaz and Major Deanna Sholin, spent the afternoon roller skating. More than 65 youngsters and their leaders had a great afternoon of fun.