National Seminar on Evangelism

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Promoting a zeal for evangelism

Designed to inspire delegates with a zeal for evangelism, The Salvation Army’s National Seminar on Evangelism (NSE), held at Glen Eyrie, Colo., has provided soldiers and officers with hands-on evangelism training since 1969. This year the seminar will be held August 7-14, offering two tracks—English and Spanish.

Opportunities to share our faith occur daily, yet somehow we fail to do so—we fail to walk, talk or simply be as God would want us to. Why? Is it timidity, embarrassment, lack of knowledge, denial? In Matthew 28:19 we’re commanded to “go and make disciples,” so don’t fall for the common misconception or excuse that because evangelism is not your gift, you don’t have to participate.

I challenge you today—if your heart is responding to this opportunity—listen, and act. Tomorrow the opportunity may have disappeared! Ask your corps officer about the possibilities. Imagine the zeal for evangelism you could have within your corps as a result of this once-in-a-lifetime experience!

If you aren’t planning on NSE in 2010, see this article as prayerful consideration for your corps and its evangelistic proclamation…and please remember those who find new zeal this summer.

Submitted by Carl Darby

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