Commissioner Jolene K. Hodder speaks at podium during welcome banquet

Western Territory’s Messengers of Grace Session acknowledged at annual Welcome Banquet

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By Karen Gleason –

The Western Territory’s Messengers of Grace Session of Cadets (2019–2021) were greeted by the second-year Messengers of the Kingdom Session and by territorial and divisional leaders at the Welcome Banquet Sept. 6 at the College for Officer Training (CFOT) at Crestmont in Rancho Palos Verdes, California.

Training Principal Major Brian Saunders set the tone for the evening with his opening remarks. “[This is] a night that honors God for the grace he’s bestowed on each of us.”

Saunders acknowledged the leaders present including Territorial Commander Commissioner Kenneth G. Hodder and Territorial President of Women’s Ministries and Crestmont Campus Administrator Commissioner Jolene K. Hodder. He acknowledged Territorial Youth Secretary Major Bob Louangamath and Territorial Candidates’ Secretary Captain Joanne Louangamath for their work with the cadets. 

Cadets smiling during welcome banquet at the College for Officer Training at Crestmont

Major Cathi Boyd, Director of Cadet Services, gave the invocation, thanking God for the new cadets.

After the meal, Saunders welcomed the Future Officers Fellowship delegates. “This campus is a very special place, he said. “You can listen to the voice of God here.”

Following the introduction of the new cadets by their Divisional Commanders, Cadet Amy Lewis, Messengers of the Kingdom Session President, welcomed them. She said they may feel overwhelmed by the number of “welcomes” they’ve received since arriving at Crestmont, but that each one is sincere. 

She quoted from Acts 20:24: my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. The two sessions will work together to achieve that, she said.

“Together we will experience spiritual formation and develop the skills needed to carry the good news of God’s grace to all people.”

Cadets singing during the welcome meeting at College for Officer Training at Crestmont
The Future Officers Fellowship welcome meeting followed the Messengers of Grace Welcome Banquet

Cadet Amber Herzog responded, representing the Messengers of Grace. Acknowledging her session mates’ call to officership, she noted that each of them is called specifically to be a messenger of grace—”called to action, to show the same grace we received to others.” They will use their unique gifts in their service to others, she said, referring to 1 Peter 10: Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

After the Cadet Chorus sang “Thine is the Kingdom” (arr. Glenn Welch), led by Matt Woods, Jolene K. Hodder asked the new cadets to remain standing while she prayed over them, asking God to bless them. “They stand ready to be trained for you, for your kingdom,” she prayed. “They are vessels who carry a priceless treasure—the life-giving Good News. May they share that same grace when they minister to others.” 

Commissioner Kenneth G. Hodder speaks during welcome banquet at College for Officer Training at Crestmont

Beginning his message, Kenneth G. Hodder proclaimed, “I am an optimist.” This is despite the developing worldview of “scientism”—the belief that the only truth is scientific truth. Christians, however, believe differently.

“Truth as we understand it is more than scientific truth,” he said, noting that  science can’t solve many basic human problems, such as envy, greed or despair. 

“We are living in an unforgiving society; there is no room for redemption,” he said. “People feel they’re not measuring up. That’s not how God sees us, and he proves it by offering grace. Those who know Jesus Christ know he still has power today to do things science never will—that’s the power of grace. Deep in the heart of someone who’s experienced grace is the sense that everything is alright.”

Cadets singing at College for Officer Training at Crestmont

He concluded, telling the cadets that the world desperately needs the gospel—the message of God’s love and his redemptive grace—that they will offer.

The banquet concluded with everyone singing “O What a Wonderful, Wonderful Day,” led my Assistant Training Principal Major Nigel Cross. Chief Secretary Colonel Douglas Riley brought the benediction, asking God to fill everyone present with his Spirit that all may be messengers of grace.


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from  yourselves—it is the gift of God (Eph. 2:8).

Performance during the Future Officers Fellowship welcome meeting
Future Officers Fellowship welcome meeting


The Messengers of Grace:

Cadets Jeffrey & Kristin Boyd – Intermountain

Cadet Charles CopelandDel Oro

Cadet Michele Dell’OlioSouthwest

Cadet Matilde EsparzaCalifornia South

Cadet Carl Esquivel – California South

Cadet Andrielli Garcia dos SantosBrazil Territory

Cadets Amber & Johnathan HerzogNorthwest

Cadet Melissa McQuadeCascade

Cadet Nayeli MercadoCalifornia South

Cadet John MercerNorthwest

Cadet Christopher RockwellGolden State

Cadet Adrianne ShermanNorthwest

Comments 4

  1. Excitingly, I watched the Welcome of the Messengers of Grace, Welcome, yesterday. Took me back 60 years, when I was commissioned with the Pioneers. I am no longer an Officer, however, I do watch all events, with Cadets of any Session. I get so excited and am Blessed every time I watch an event. I pray daily for all Cadets and Officers. I was raised by a Godly Mother, under the yellow, red and blue. I have relatives who serve Christ, today, under this flag. My current husband went to the Altar, years ago, at a Commissioning. I will ever be true………………..

    1. Hi Pegi!

      It’s so great to hear from you. We love seeing you on all the live feeds for our streamed events! Thank you for always being so supportive and encouraging. They appreciate your prayers, and we appreciate you taking the time to write us.

      All the best,
      New Frontier Team

  2. Excitingly, I watched the Welcome of the Messengers of Grace, Welcome, yesterday. Took me back 60 years, when I was commissioned with the Pioneers. I am no longer an Officer, however, I do watch all events, with Cadets of any Session. I get so excited and am Blessed every time I watch an event. I pray daily for all Cadets and Officers. I was raised by a Godly Mother, under the yellow, red and blue. I have relatives who serve Christ, today, under this flag. My current husband went to the Altar, years ago, at a Commissioning. I will ever be true………………..

    1. Hi Pegi!

      It’s so great to hear from you. We love seeing you on all the live feeds for our streamed events! Thank you for always being so supportive and encouraging. They appreciate your prayers, and we appreciate you taking the time to write us.

      All the best,
      New Frontier Team

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