MEGAN JOHNSON – Kalispell Corps

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Megan Johnson, one of the youth at the Kalispell, Montana corps, led by Corps Officers Captains Daniel and Doreen Freeman, recently shared her testimony with Carla Brandt, corps youth director.

I used to be in trouble all the time—running away and trying a lot of things. I had poor grades in school. My friends were all I had that I could trust.

A couple of years ago when I started coming to Sunday school at The Salvation Army, I sensed that there was something better. I began attending Girl Guards and teen Bible study—any program that was available.

As my relationship with God grew, I noticed that my whole life was changing. My grades improved. When I graduated with honors from the eighth grade, my corps officers and soldiers were there supporting me. I excelled in choir, and received the Choir Student of the Year! I spent more time with my little brothers and sisters, walking them to the grocery store for treats. Now I have great Christian friends and I am making better choices. After school and on weekends I have a part-time job, but church comes first and I work my schedule around that.

I’m not the same person that I was a couple of years ago. I always look forward to camp and youth councils—great opportunities to fellowship with other Christian teens from the division. Captain Freeman has given the teens a chance to help with the worship service. I’m working the computer and sound system, projecting the words onto the screen. I enjoy being involved in the service.

God has given me something that I didn’t have before. He shows me compassion and most of all forgives me! Matthew 19:26 says, “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” I know that with God I can excel in anything. This year I’ll be taking senior soldier lessons and I look forward to discovering God’s plan for my future.

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