Hudson, Anderson trade miles for money in unique World Service fundraiser

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MAJOR DAVID HUDSON and Jack Anderson


Lance Armstrong was not one of the 1,000 bicyclists riding in this year’s Amtrak Century ride. However, two Salvationists (Major Dave Hudson and myself), as well as a multitude of cycling enthusiasts from Southern California and Arizona participated in the ride from Irvine to San Diego.

Major Hudson is a year-round cyclist who had not yet accomplished the milestone event of a hundred mile ride. As he enlisted my participation in this ride, we immediately realized the potential for raising money for World Services. While we encouraged each other through 10 weeks of training, Colonel Janice Buchanan organized a pledge drive at the Pasadena Tabernacle on our behalf. The contributions were generous and inspiring.

There were several significant occurrences during this 10-week venture. First, I have to admit that putting a date on the calendar is important. If we had just told each other that we would “someday” ride a hundred miles, it might not happen.

Similarly, the pledge drive at our corps was developed around the date of September 7. It gave us a target date and a deadline to work towards. A second thing that I was reminded of is how powerfully people influence other people. For example, when Major Dave and I agreed to work out together, I felt a much stronger sense of allegiance and commitment than perhaps I would have felt on my own. By myself, I am much better at forgetting, being tired or too busy to keep up with the training schedule.

I began to see this same principle at work at the corps. When some people started writing checks for World Services, it greatly encouraged others to be committed as well.

I believe that most of the truly enjoyable and worthwhile things in ife are the result of effort and self-discipline. While getting in shape to ride 100 miles is extremely satisfying,the real work and appreciation goes to the many soldiers and members of the Tab who rallied around this event to raise over $5,000. We can all benefit from being self-disciplined in two areas: to increase our awareness of the tremendous need of officers and Salvation Army programs around the world that typically serve in impoverished economic conditions, and secondly, the significant support that can be raised when we work together with a focused effort. Anyone want to join us next year?

We will be a people committed to world-wide missions, willing to share with the world-wide Salvation Army our resources of people and money in order to win the world for Jesus

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