Heart Connection goes international

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Partners in Mission

by Janice Buchanan, Lt. Col. – 

The Western Territory has been instrumental in casting a global vision that has resulted in a new World Services international scheme that creates a direct link between giver and receiver.

During the past three years, IHQ has endorsed and supported the West in the implementation of the Heart Connection program. In many ways, the West’s global initiative has served as a pilot study for the newly announced Partners in Mission design.

Guidelines for the new program call for every Salvation Army territory and command throughout the world to become a financial support donor to meet the subsidy needs of one or more other designated territories. Support grants will actually be remitted to the receiving territory, though the international budgeting process and the movement of actual funds will remain the same.

It is envisioned that the creation of a stronger link between giver and receiver will encourage our people to become more focused on missions, increase financial giving from both the public and Salvationists, promote identification with mission, and encourage prayer and personal interest between missions partners. Mission surveys and mission teams are invited. Support for visits and specific projects over and above the official support grant are possible, ensuring that the international process is followed through the various territorial headquarters and IHQ.

May 31, 2003 marked the conclusion of the recent Heart Connection associations and the beginning of a three-year linkage with the new IHQ Partners in Mission assignments. These will include South Eastern Alaska and Micronesia, as the Western Territory has historically maintained the World Services deficit funding for the mission areas within its own geographical boundaries.

Leaders of the Western Territory have fully embraced this new scheme and have begun the initial step of writing to the leaders of their new partner territory. They will be consulting with their local Vision Action Teams to develop initiatives for implementing meaningful interaction and relationships with their global partners.

The Western Territory has experienced a mobilization for missions learning curve during the past three years. Salvationists are called upon to keep working to bridge the gap between being unaware to involved in God’s vision to evangelize the world.

Partners in Mission Links

  • Alaska Division – India South Eastern (shared responsibility with Del Oro Division)
  • Cascade Division – Taiwan
  • Del Oro Division – India South Eastern (shared responsibility with Alaska Division)
  • Golden State Division – Eastern Europe
  • Hawaii & Pacific Islands Division – South Eastern Alaska
  • Intermountain Division – Southern Africa
  • Northwest Division – Czech Republic
  • Sierra del Mar Division – Micronesia
  • Southern California – Latin America North
  • Southwest Division – Congo Kinshasa
  • AARC – Latvia
  • CFOT – SALT College (Salvation Army Leaders Training College for the Continent of Africa)

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