Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

This year, I attended the final concert of WMI. Musically, it was a real treat for me and I was encouraged by the manner in which the young people performed and demonstrated their personal skill. In a very real sense, they have caught the vision for excellence I wrote about last time. I have to be honest, there was a “downside” related to my visit to WMI this year—it was the not so subtle reminder that I was getting older, that my life had undergone a major transition, almost without my being aware of it.
There, sitting on the stage were at least six reminders of this fact; Geoffrey Smith, Laura Sparks, Matt Madsen, Melissa Griffin, Ryan White Erin Gilger—six young adults who were but mere children only a few short summers ago when I attend my first WMI. They, like each of us, are in the process of making transitions in their lives—from what they once were to whom God desires them to become.
Our humble calling is to help people transition safely, simply and effectively. You will be encouraged by the positive transitions people in the West are making as you read this installment of the Frontlines.


Captain Faye Nishimura, director of Extension Studies for the territory, shares the following ministry information. She and her small staff communicate with over 5,000 prisoners in 382 institutions across the territory. They provide courses of Bible study lessons, which then have to be graded and recorded. How are they able to provide this ministry? When the work became too demanding, she and her helpers recruited volunteers, and now over 30 people from corps and other churches, etc., are involved. This ministry makes a difference to men and women at this crucial time of their lives.


During a stop in a local restaurant, report Colonels Bill and Gwen Luttrell, their waiter acknowledged their uniforms with familiarity. He was respectful during their “grace,” and as they prepared to leave he shared his appreciation for the ministry of the Canoga Park ARC, from which he had graduated and is now able to live a meaningful and productive life.


Bill Gordon, former Pasadena Tabernacle Corps bandmaster, is now self-employed as a composer and lives in Vancouver, Wash. Recently he was a guest of the Box Hill Corps in Australia, in concert and presenting workshops.


God is really blessing the community of Paradise, Calif., and the Army’s ministry. Newly commissioned A/Captains Dyrk and Laurel Posey recently found that their corps pantry was out of food. It certainly pays to have a good relationship with the local newspaper. The editor of the Paradise Post ran a front page story about the corps’ plight. As a result the community responded with a huge outpouring of food and money. At last count, over $2,400 had come in, and the pantry was overflowing. Even better, four new families arrived at the corps after reading the article!


Captains Darvin and Linda Jordan, newly appointed territorial evangelists, recently conducted an inspiring chapel service at territorial headquarters. The Jordans are musical and have an upbeat sense in their presentation. This should be helpful, and a blessing for those who are ministered to by them.


A/Captain Michael Nute, corps officer in Sitka, Alaska, has been appointed by the local ministerial association as the chaplain for the Sitka Police Department. Before entering the CFOT, Nute served with the Redwood City Fire Department.


Frank Hiscox, Concord Temple Corps, Del Oro Division, has retired from active banding after 64 years as a senior bandsman. To mark his amazing service, Frank was honored with a recognition lunch and presented with an inscribed Bible by Bandmaster Jim Black.
Frank was first commissioned as a bandsman at Hanley in the England Midlands. During World War II he served in H. M. Brigade of Guards and was stationed in London during the Blitz. Emigrating to the U.S., Frank became principal cornet and deputy bandmaster at Oakland Citadel, which relocated to become Concord Temple. Our heartiest congratulations to Frank for his years of loyal and enthusiastic service!


Marlene Gerber, Community Relations Director at the San Diego ARC, won another first-place award from the Public Relations Society of America, San Diego chapter. The winning project was for a slide show presentation developed for The Salvation Army National Social Service awards entry. Marlene’s “Berry” Award was presented at the annual Edward L. Bernays Mark of Excellence Awards banquet held at the La Jolla Hyatt Aventine.

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frontlines — news briefs of the west. by captain robert l. rudd –. this year, i attended the final concert of wmi. musically, it was a real treat for me and i was encouraged by the manner in which the young people performed and demonstrated their personal skill. in a very real sense, they have caught the vision for excellence i wrote about last time. i have to be honest, there was a “downside” related to my visit to wmi this year—it was the not so subtle reminder that i was getting older, that my life had undergone a major transition, almost without my being aware of it. there, sitting on the stage were at least six reminders of this fact; geoffrey smith, laura sparks, matt madsen, melissa griffin, ryan white erin gilger—six young adults who were but mere children only a few short summers ago when i attend my first wmi. they, like each of us, are in the process of making transitions in their lives—from what they once were to whom god desires them to become. our humble calling is to help people transition safely, simply and effectively. you will be encouraged by the positive transitions people in the west are making as you read this installment of the frontlines. studies extend to many. captain faye nishimura, director of extension studies for the territory, shares the following ministry information. she and her small staff communicate with over 5,000 prisoners in 382 institutions across the territory. they provide courses of bible study lessons, which then have to be graded and recorded. how are they able to provide this ministry? when the work became too demanding, she and her helpers recruited volunteers, and now over 30 people from corps and other churches, etc., are involved. this ministry makes a difference to men and women at this crucial time of their lives. the waiter remembered. during a stop in a local restaurant, report colonels bill and gwen luttrell, their waiter acknowledged their uniforms with familiarity. he was respectful during their “grace,” and as they prepared to leave he shared his appreciation for the ministry of the canoga park arc, from which he had graduated and is now able to live a meaningful and productive life. gordon gets around. bill gordon, former pasadena tabernacle corps bandmaster, is now self-employed as a composer and lives in vancouver, wash. recently he was a guest of the box hill corps in australia, in concert and presenting workshops. paradise post comes through. god is really blessing the community of paradise, calif., and the army’s ministry. newly commissioned a/captains dyrk and laurel posey recently found that their corps pantry was out of food. it certainly pays to have a good relationship with the local newspaper. the editor of the paradise post ran a front page story about the corps’ plight. as a result the community responded with a huge outpouring of food and money. at last count, over $2,400 had come in, and the pantry was overflowing. even better, four new families arrived at the corps after reading the article! jordans on the road. captains darvin and linda jordan, newly appointed territorial evangelists, recently conducted an inspiring chapel service at territorial headquarters. the jordans are musical and have an upbeat sense in their presentation. this should be helpful, and a blessing for those who are ministered to by them. nute named chaplain. a/captain michael nute, corps officer in sitka, alaska, has been appointed by the local ministerial association as the chaplain for the sitka police department. before entering the cfot, nute served with the redwood city fire department. 64 years a bandsman. frank hiscox, concord temple corps, del oro division, has retired from active banding after 64 years as a senior bandsman. to mark his amazing service, frank was honored with a recognition lunch and presented with an inscribed bible by bandmaster jim black. frank was first commissioned as a bandsman at hanley in the england midlands. during world war ii he served in h. m. brigade of guards and was stationed in london during the blitz. emigrating to the u.s., frank became principal cornet and deputy bandmaster at oakland citadel, which relocated to become concord temple. our heartiest congratulations to frank for his years of loyal and enthusiastic service! gerber does it again! marlene gerber, community relations director at the san diego arc, won another first-place award from the public relations society of america, san diego chapter. the winning project was for a slide show presentation developed for the salvation army national social service awards entry. marlene’s “berry” award was presented at the annual edward l. bernays mark of excellence awards banquet held at the la jolla hyatt aventine.
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