Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

One of the things Mariam and I enjoy doing when we travel is to return to places where we have previously lived and worked.

A couple of weeks ago, we traveled to Phoenix, where we had the joy of helping our daughter, Jodi Lynn, celebrate her graduation from Arizona State University. We are proud of her scholastic accomplishments (4.0 GPA these past two years) and the fact that she has completed this significant part of her life’s journey.

While we were in Phoenix, we spent time with two other noteworthy achievers. Wayne Deterding, a student at Alhambra High School, Glendale, Ariz., was recently named the “Outstanding Freshman Musician.”

Also Jill Peacock, the youngest daughter of our former corps officers, is graduating from Cortez High School with Advanced Placement Honors, and a $1,000 President’s scholarship from Arizona State University, where she has been accepted for study this coming fall.

While space does not permit a listing of all of this year’s graduates, we at New Frontier want to congratulate all of the Western Territory graduates on a Job Well Done, and to encourage the soldiers, friends and officers of the West to go out of their way to extend congratulations to all of the other graduates and student achievers in their corps families. Great things are happening in these young lives, and they need to know how proud of them we are.

Great things are happening in at least two of the West’s Spanish ministries–here is what Cadet Oscar Tippol reports…


Victory Report: El Ministerio Hispano del Ejército de Salvatión en Long Beach, está creciendo. Dios ha bendecido en gran manera y está agregando a su Iglesia, los que deben de ser salvos. Domingo 24 de Mayo, el Mariachi Campos estuvo conduciendo servicios especiales. !Ore por la Obra de Dios!


A Growing Ministry: !Bienvenidos y felicitaciones! al nuevo Templo del Ejército de Salvación, que está sirviendo a la comunidad Hispana de San Pedro, Calif. Gracias a Dios por su lideres, Enviados David y Ruth Garcia, y a la hermosa congregatión que Dios les ha dado. !Adelante hermanos!


In honor of National Salvation Army Week, William Booth (Gary Miller) and Joe the Turk (Gary Calcote), made appearances at the Napa, Calif., corps. In a special meeting, Corps Officers Captains Lanny and Noreen French arranged a special meeting on the early history of The Salvation Army through drama, music, poetry and lecture. Booth gave a stirring rendition of the famous “I’ll Fight!” speech, Joe told of rescuing a corps officer from a lynch mob, and Captain Noreen French told of Catherine Booth’s influence on the role of women in the Army.

In addition to French’s personal memorabilia collection, there was a special Trade booth, thanks to Major Ralph Looker, Trade secretary. Traditional Army refreshments were served by modern day doughnut girls.


Major Vera J. Elliott (R) was recently inspired by a New Frontier story of 25 new soldiers enrolled at a nearby corps. Her donation of the tunics, pants and ties of her late husband, Major Clarence H. Elliott (R) was gratefully received by a nearby new outpost.


Overton Clarence, former corps sergeant major in Majuro, Marshall Islands, has suffered a diabetic stroke. Clarence was a key individual in the establishment of The Salvation Army in the Marshalls, and is loved by many. Cards and encouragement will be much appreciated and may be sent to his home at 3351 Coral Ave., Eugene OR 97402.


Please help me to recognize the good work that is happening throughout the territory by dropping me a note, sending a fax or making a telephone call. The information you have to share is part of the good news that we need to declare. See you at Commissioning…

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