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Elsewhere in the world


BRAZIL—Brazilian Salvation Army emergency service personnel assisted the survivors of a massive mudslide in the city of Niteroi, near Rio de Janeiro. More than 180 people were killed with at least another 200 people reported as missing.

After almost five days of heavy rain the mud swept down the slopes of Mount Bumba overwhelming everything in its path.

Salvation Army personnel, assisted by many volunteers, worked in conjunction with government Civil Defense teams and firefighters. The Army provided emotional and spiritual support to families of the victims, and distributed food, drink and other essential items.

A Salvation Army team also assisted affected families at the shantytown of Nova Divineia, where the Army maintains an ongoing social services program aimed at children and adolescents.

Report by Stéphanie Parker Chagas

ZIMBABWE—Thirty-two delegates from the 16 territories and commands of the Africa Zone convened at The Salvation Army’s training college in Harare, Zimbabwe, in March 2010, to reaffirm their commitment to women’s ministries as a vehicle of the hope found in God.

The theme of the week was “Living in Harmony and Unity.”

Guest leaders for the conference were Commissioner Robin Dunster, chief of the staff, and her support officer Lt. Colonel Edna Williams. Conference coordinators were Commissioner Rosemary Makina, zonal secretary for women’s ministries, and Lt. Colonel Angelique Lukau, Central Africa women’s development secretary, IHQ.

Reading from Psalm 66, Dunster opened the meetings with an invitation for the women to “come and see what the Lord has done.” She then invited them to “come and hear” what God wanted to tell them, promising they would become more effective leaders with this information.

Dunster challenged the women to “go away as leaders…within our movement—leaders of great integrity—to be consistent in living the holy life.”

From an international news report

SCOTLAND—Robert Saddler, a retired architect who lived in Forfar, Angus, bequeathed almost $1.4 million to The Salvation Army community care service in Angus. Saddler had been helped by the service before he died in 2008. He was in his 80s.

Major Jim McCluskey, team leader for the service, described the donation as a “lifeline legacy.”

He said, “The reality is we were down to our last penny and on the same day we were going to discuss what to do about the situation we were informed about this legacy. It would have been very, very difficult to go on without it.”

Speaking of Saddler, McCluskey said: “We did his shopping and collected medication; our service provides that for older people. I had contact with him, popping in to see him. He was a nice, elderly gentleman—a very intelligent man.”

The service was set up 13 years ago following a bequest of over $1.5 million. This is the second legacy of a similar amount—coming at a crucial time. Twelve staff members provide the service to more than 200 elderly people across Angus.

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