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elsewhere in the world …. zambia—a recent abc news report, “key to the world: saving lives in zambia,” featured the salvation army’s clinic in chikankata and the resources offered there to pregnant women. the chikankata hospital has 150 beds and training schools for nurses, midwives and lab assistants. other services include: a leprosy control program and rehabilitation centre, a mobile community health team, five associated rural health centers, a comprehensive aids program, and a nutrition program. the salvation army is committed to providing medical services that link to health-related community development, allowing local people—salvationists and others—to participate. currently the army runs 183 health programs in 39 countries. for more on the abc news report, visit more from zambia—recently all four u.s. territories contributed towards the development of community radio—salvation studio—at chikankata. lt. colonel damon rader, a retired eastern territory officer currently serving in zambia, reports that the signal will reach the remote zambezi valley, where the army maintains corps and clinics. this area is inaccessible for about half a year during the rainy season. rader stated: “plans are to start simply and develop the station in stages, praying that god will guide us and open the way a step at a time.”. estonia—western officers captains daniel and anya henderson, serving as narva corps officers, have reported a successful children’s day camp and the recent enrollment of two junior soldiers. their prayer requests include: salvation army anniversary celebrations taking place in narva in early may, summer camps, and a corps building—they have located a suitable structure; please pray for the necessary funds. in his newsletter, henderson wrote: “we have learned much as missionaries, in raising a new church with mostly new converts; seeking ways to motivate the new soldiers to live up to their commitments. finally, we began to apply the only motivational tool that worked—we began to show people consistent grace. grace convicts those who are guilty, grace frees those who are ready to repent, and grace empowers those who are experiencing forgiveness. grace is, after all, the one commodity that people can hardly find anywhere except in a truly christian fellowship.”.
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elsewhere in the world …. zambia—a recent abc news report, “key to the world: saving lives in zambia,” featured the salvation army’s clinic in chikankata and the resources offered there to pregnant women. the chikankata hospital has 150 beds and training schools for nurses, midwives and lab assistants. other services include: a leprosy control program and rehabilitation centre, a mobile community health team, five associated rural health centers, a comprehensive aids program, and a nutrition program. the salvation army is committed to providing medical services that link to health-related community development, allowing local people—salvationists and others—to participate. currently the army runs 183 health programs in 39 countries. for more on the abc news report, visit more from zambia—recently all four u.s. territories contributed towards the development of community radio—salvation studio—at chikankata. lt. colonel damon rader, a retired eastern territory officer currently serving in zambia, reports that the signal will reach the remote zambezi valley, where the army maintains corps and clinics. this area is inaccessible for about half a year during the rainy season. rader stated: “plans are to start simply and develop the station in stages, praying that god will guide us and open the way a step at a time.”. estonia—western officers captains daniel and anya henderson, serving as narva corps officers, have reported a successful children’s day camp and the recent enrollment of two junior soldiers. their prayer requests include: salvation army anniversary celebrations taking place in narva in early may, summer camps, and a corps building—they have located a suitable structure; please pray for the necessary funds. in his newsletter, henderson wrote: “we have learned much as missionaries, in raising a new church with mostly new converts; seeking ways to motivate the new soldiers to live up to their commitments. finally, we began to apply the only motivational tool that worked—we began to show people consistent grace. grace convicts those who are guilty, grace frees those who are ready to repent, and grace empowers those who are experiencing forgiveness. grace is, after all, the one commodity that people can hardly find anywhere except in a truly christian fellowship.”.
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