Daily Cup mobile app named finalist

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App launched to tackle social justice issues nominated for “Most Effective Mobile Charity Campaign”

The Salvation Army USA Southern Territory’s Daily Cup Social Justice mobile application is a finalist for The Effective Mobile Marketing Awards in the “Most Effective Mobile Charity Campaign/Solution” category. Sponsored by UpStream, Propel and OpenMarket, the awards will be distributed Nov. 3 in London.

“We’re absolutely thrilled to be recognized by such a distinguished panel of mobile industry judges for our important work alongside DIDMO and GetJar in bringing attention to social justice issues globally,” said Major C. Mark Brown, community relations and development secretary in the Southern Territory. “This nomination will help us continue to spread the word.”

The free Daily Cup Social Justice mobile app, which works on all phones, addresses important social justice issues through building awareness and encouraging donations of time and money from mobile consumers.

“Our objectives with the app were to inform, educate and engage a global, mobile audience in the fight against social injustices,” said Berenice Kalan, marketing director, GetJar. “We accomplished this and exceeded marketing expectations with over 190,000 downloads within the first six weeks and a 6.2 percent response to ‘Donate $10 now’ as well as a 3.9 percent response to volunteer submissions.”

The Daily Cup Social Justice mobile app was created using DIDMO’s award-winning Magmito platform and was promoted via the GetJar Store.

“We are proud of the app and the important work we accomplished with The Salvation Army and GetJar,” said Ted Iannuzzi, CEO, DIDMO. “Win or lose (the award), we certainly feel like winners today for championing a cause we believe in—engaging the mobile generation in the fight for social justice.”

Download the app onto your mobile phone browser via getjar.com/Salvation-Army.


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