Clitheroe Receives Award for Excellence

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Over 360 delegates took part in The Salvation Army’s National Social Services Conference convened recently in St. Louis, Missouri.

Beginning with “Pre-conference Seminars” on the future of social welfare and volunteer development, and concluding with a brunch on Wednesday morning, the conference packed over 60 workshops and seven plenary sessions into a busy four-and-a-half days.

The national commander, Commissioner Robert Watson, was present for the annual awards banquet at which the Western Territory’s Adult Day Care Center in Honolulu, Hawaii-Kauluwela Corps-was recognized as one of four nominees for the annual program achievement award. The national award itself was presented to the Central Territory’s Hope Center for Children in St. Louis, Missouri.

Also among the awards was the individual “Award for Excellence in Social Work” which was presented in the Western Territory this year to Major David Clitheroe, Director, William Booth Center in Seattle, Washington. Major Clitheroe was recognized as “Éan innovative and highly capable administrator,” with a sterling track record of work in social service settings including the Booth Youth and Family Services Center in Anchorage, Alaska.

The National Social Services Conference convenes annually in March. The 1997 conference will be held March 14-19 in San Diego, California. The Western Territory’s social services secretary, Gordon Bingham, is chairman for the planning committee for 1997.

“The major work of the 1997 planning committee was concluded immediately following the 1996 conference in St. Louis,” said Bingham. “We are anticipating an excellent conference in 1997 with content that will be of vital interest to corps and administrative officers and social services personnel at all levels.”


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clitheroe receives award for excellence. over 360 delegates took part in the salvation army’s national social services conference convened recently in st. louis, missouri. beginning with “pre-conference seminars” on the future of social welfare and volunteer development, and concluding with a brunch on wednesday morning, the conference packed over 60 workshops and seven plenary sessions into a busy four-and-a-half days. the national commander, commissioner robert watson, was present for the annual awards banquet at which the western territory’s adult day care center in honolulu, hawaii-kauluwela corps-was recognized as one of four nominees for the annual program achievement award. the national award itself was presented to the central territory’s hope center for children in st. louis, missouri. also among the awards was the individual “award for excellence in social work” which was presented in the western territory this year to major david clitheroe, director, william booth center in seattle, washington. major clitheroe was recognized as “éan innovative and highly capable administrator,” with a sterling track record of work in social service settings including the booth youth and family services center in anchorage, alaska. the national social services conference convenes annually in march. the 1997 conference will be held march 14-19 in san diego, california. the western territory’s social services secretary, gordon bingham, is chairman for the planning committee for 1997. “the major work of the 1997 planning committee was concluded immediately following the 1996 conference in st. louis,” said bingham. “we are anticipating an excellent conference in 1997 with content that will be of vital interest to corps and administrative officers and social services personnel at all levels.”.
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