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MONTEREY PENINSULA CORPS, CA–Career Developer: Manage case load for purpose of conducting long-term life/work planning, and job search preparation resulting in entry-level career job placement. Main duties include: case management, teaching classes, individual career counseling, assessing social service needs and accessing resources, overcoming barriers, problem solving and one-year follow-up to facilitate stability and career advancement. Another duty includes offering substance abuse counseling for current caseload. Must have positive, can-do attitude.

Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent work exp. in business, sales, personnel or vocational placement. Min. 1-2 years experience performing social service activities, either as volunteer or employee, with homeless or substance abusers.

Min. 1-2 yrs. Experience in sales, marketing, or business, or have extensive exposure to American business culture from employer’s perspective. Certified Substance Abuse Counselor preferred. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Strong interpersonal and mentoring skill, with proven ability to motivate others. Ability to relate effectively with people of various social-economic-ethnic backgrounds. Flexibility/adaptability to coordinate multiple activities to meet schedules, goals and objectives. Effective classroom presentation skills. Good organization and follow-up skills. Strong problem-solving skills. Meet schedules, goals and objectives. Ability to work cooperatively with Dual Case Managers. Service-oriented attitude and tenacity in meeting commitments. Strong desire to learn. English/Spanish speaking preferred. Strong computer skills. Status: Regular/ $11.50 per hr. Please send resumes to: The Salvation Army; P.O. Box 1884; Monterey CA 93942, c/o Chris Belluomini.

FRESNO, CA–Outreach Chaplain: with an evangelistic emphasis, for Family Services Dept., involving case work and visitation. Apply to Captain Aspeitia, P.O. Box 11730, Fresno, CA 93775. Ph. (559) 233-0139, fax (559) 233-0146.

EL PASO, TEXAS–Accountant: The El Paso County Command is seeking an accountant. The successful applicant will have two years of public or fund accounting experience with a Salvation Army unit, commercial company or non-profit organization operating on a multimillion dollar operating budget. Supervisory experience is a plus. Must be able to work independently and communicate effectively, while interacting with outside funding sources and managing personnel/payroll issues. Must have a working knowledge of MSExcell and MSWord, computer literacy is a must. Send a letter or e-mail, with salary requirements and resume, to Chief Accountant, The Salvation Army, P.O. Box 10756, El Paso, TX 79995-0756 or e-mail:

ALBUQUERQUE, NM: Resident Managers–for couple at the Albuquerque Silvercrest. Experience in property maintenance; training and experience in HUD occupancy requirements (4350.3) and apartment management preferred. Salary for couple…$28,000 to $32,000 (DOE) plus apartment and telephone. Key Exempt positions. Send applications and resume to: Donna Skinner; Silvercrest Management; 2707 E. Van Buren St.; Phoenix AZ 85008. Phone (602) 267-4105 FAX (602) 302-7161. Application deadline: April 1, 1999.

AGANA, GUAM: Recovery Counselor–Newly established 3-month Transitional Residential Recovery Program provides life-skills, training and recovery counseling to clients seeking assistance overcoming chemical dependency and other life-controlling problems. In addition to personal case load, will be responsible to coordinate other staff responsibilities. Qualifications include 5 years sobriety, Master’s level counseling training and/or chemical dependency counselor certification, two years experience in field of addictions counseling. Salary: $29-30K DOE. Please send resume to Envoys Rob and Allison Zimmerman; Lighthouse Recovery Center; P.O. Box 25682, GMF, GU 96921.

NAMPA, ID: Youth Center Director–for after-school/summer youth center. B.A. degree or sufficient experience in related field required. Suggested fields: youth ministry or religious studies, recreation, elementary education, social work. Please send resume to: Captain James Sullivan, The Salvation Army, 403 12th Ave. South; Nampa ID 83651.

LOS ANGELES: Director, Transitional Living Center for Mentally Ill Veterans–The Salvation Army Haven, a housing program with support services for veterans, is pleased to announce the development of a new transitional living center for mentally ill veterans. The center will have short-term and longer-term stays, and be licensed under Community Care Licensing requirements. The Haven is seeking an experienced administrator, with skills in personnel management, budget oversight, knowledge of adult Community Care Licenses and compatibility with the mission of The Salvation Army. Salary has been set at $40,000-$45-000, DOE, plus benefits. Please send resumes to: Roy Snapp-Kolas, Executive Director, The Haven, 11301 Wilshire Blvd. #212 2nd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90073. FAX (310) 478-3711, ext. 46812.

SACRAMENTO, CA.–DHQ: Corps Accounting Clerk–Responsible for entering the accounting information for corps accounting system. Able to reconcile bank statements, file expense vouchers and run month end reports. Send Resume and references to: Human Resources Department, The Salvation Army – Del Oro Division, P.O. Box 348000, Sacramento, CA 95834.

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glory ‘Soldier of Christ – Well Done!

Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

by Captain Robert L

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classified. monterey peninsula corps, ca–career developer: manage case load for purpose of conducting long-term life/work planning, and job search preparation resulting in entry-level career job placement. main duties include: case management, teaching classes, individual career counseling, assessing social service needs and accessing resources, overcoming barriers, problem solving and one-year follow-up to facilitate stability and career advancement. another duty includes offering substance abuse counseling for current caseload. must have positive, can-do attitude. qualifications: bachelor’s degree or equivalent work exp. in business, sales, personnel or vocational placement. min. 1-2 years experience performing social service activities, either as volunteer or employee, with homeless or substance abusers. min. 1-2 yrs. experience in sales, marketing, or business, or have extensive exposure to american business culture from employer’s perspective. certified substance abuse counselor preferred. excellent verbal and written communication skills. strong interpersonal and mentoring skill, with proven ability to motivate others. ability to relate effectively with people of various social-economic-ethnic backgrounds. flexibility/adaptability to coordinate multiple activities to meet schedules, goals and objectives. effective classroom presentation skills. good organization and follow-up skills. strong problem-solving skills. meet schedules, goals and objectives. ability to work cooperatively with dual case managers. service-oriented attitude and tenacity in meeting commitments. strong desire to learn. english/spanish speaking preferred. strong computer skills. status: regular/ $11.50 per hr. please send resumes to: the salvation army; p.o. box 1884; monterey ca 93942, c/o chris belluomini. fresno, ca–outreach chaplain: with an evangelistic emphasis, for family services dept., involving case work and visitation. apply to captain aspeitia, p.o. box 11730, fresno, ca 93775. ph. (559) 233-0139, fax (559) 233-0146. el paso, texas–accountant: the el paso county command is seeking an accountant. the successful applicant will have two years of public or fund accounting experience with a salvation army unit, commercial company or non-profit organization operating on a multimillion dollar operating budget. supervisory experience is a plus. must be able to work independently and communicate effectively, while interacting with outside funding sources and managing personnel/payroll issues. must have a working knowledge of msexcell and msword, computer literacy is a must. send a letter or e-mail, with salary requirements and resume, to chief accountant, the salvation army, p.o. box 10756, el paso, tx 79995-0756 or e-mail: albuquerque, nm: resident managers–for couple at the albuquerque silvercrest. experience in property maintenance; training and experience in hud occupancy requirements (4350.3) and apartment management preferred. salary for couple…$28,000 to $32,000 (doe) plus apartment and telephone. key exempt positions. send applications and resume to: donna skinner; silvercrest management; 2707 e. van buren st.; phoenix az 85008. phone (602) 267-4105 fax (602) 302-7161. application deadline: april 1, 1999. agana, guam: recovery counselor–newly established 3-month transitional residential recovery program provides life-skills, training and recovery counseling to clients seeking assistance overcoming chemical dependency and other life-controlling problems. in addition to personal case load, will be responsible to coordinate other staff responsibilities. qualifications include 5 years sobriety, master’s level counseling training and/or chemical dependency counselor certification, two years experience in field of addictions counseling. salary: $29-30k doe. please send resume to envoys rob and allison zimmerman; lighthouse recovery center; p.o. box 25682, gmf, gu 96921. nampa, id: youth center director–for after-school/summer youth center. b.a. degree or sufficient experience in related field required. suggested fields: youth ministry or religious studies, recreation, elementary education, social work. please send resume to: captain james sullivan, the salvation army, 403 12th ave. south; nampa id 83651. los angeles: director, transitional living center for mentally ill veterans–the salvation army haven, a housing program with support services for veterans, is pleased to announce the development of a new transitional living center for mentally ill veterans. the center will have short-term and longer-term stays, and be licensed under community care licensing requirements. the haven is seeking an experienced administrator, with skills in personnel management, budget oversight, knowledge of adult community care licenses and compatibility with the mission of the salvation army. salary has been set at $40,000-$45-000, doe, plus benefits. please send resumes to: roy snapp-kolas, executive director, the haven, 11301 wilshire blvd. #212 2nd floor, los angeles ca 90073. fax (310) 478-3711, ext. 46812. sacramento, ca.–dhq: corps accounting clerk–responsible for entering the accounting information for corps accounting system. able to reconcile bank statements, file expense vouchers and run month end reports. send resume and references to: human resources department, the salvation army – del oro division, p.o. box 348000, sacramento, ca 95834.
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