children sitting at desks in school

5 ways to get your kids excited for school

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It seems like the kids just started their summer break, and already the start of the school year is around the corner. After the fun adventures they had, some children may find it difficult to get excited for school.

The key to spark some enthusiasm for the school months ahead, is to find ways to get our children looking at it from a different perspective—one that is appealing to them.

Here are some things to consider:

Set personal goals with them

Sit down with your kids and ask them what they hope to accomplish this year in school, whether it be academically, socially, or in their extracurricular activities.

Find some of the aspects of school that are the most important to them, and set some personal goals for them for the school year.

For an extra motivation boost, have the kids record their goals in a notebook or journal, so they can keep track of their goals as they meet them and look back at them as they set new challenges for themselves every school year.

Make a list of activities for your children to get involved in

Most schools are great about having sports, clubs, arts and activities available to meet the interests of all their students. See what is available at your kids’ schools and make a list for them to look at.

Have them read through the list and choose the activities they would like to participate in throughout the year, and ask them why they want to try them. You’ll not only get them talking about school in a positive way, but also learn even more about your kids.

Personalize binders, backpacks and lunchboxes

Get crafty with your children, spending time decorating and personalizing their binders, backpacks and lunchboxes with stickers, patches, keychains and more.

Take out markers so they can add a little pop of color to their items if they want to.

This allows them to have stress-free fun, while preparing for the upcoming school year.

Plan an end-of-summer party for your kids and their friends

Have your kids invite some of their friends over for an end-of-summer party with food, games, a swimming pool or water activities and more.

They will have fun interacting with their friends, and think of all the good times ahead when school starts.

Ask them what they look forward to in the upcoming school year

There is bound to be something your children are looking forward to in the upcoming school, whether is be graduation, prom, sports, the arts, making new friends or reuniting with old ones.

Talk to them about what excites them about going back to school while you’re having a family dinner. It may even make them eager enough to start a back-to-school countdown.

The important thing to remember is to stress how fun school can truly be, and all it has to offer on top of providing your kids with the education they need to have successful futures.

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