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yukumoto receives award for excellence. paul yukumoto, of the hawaiian and pacific islands division, recently was honored as the western territory’s recipient of the award for excellence in social work. “i can’t think of anyone who deserves this recognition more,” stated major don mowery, divisional commander, “and we feel very fortunate to have him as part of our team. his dedication, hard work and knowledge continue to support the work of the salvation army, its officers and mission. he carries a heavy load of technical responsibility, yet takes time to truly listen to others. paul is a tremendous asset to this division.”. after receiving his msw degree from the university of hawaii in 1965, yukumoto was employed as a case work supervisor, director of admissions, assistant administrator, and director of administrative services at the residential treatment facility. he developed one of the first runaway shelters in hawaii, and was a major factor in the facility’s transition into a psychiatric treatment program. he continues to be highly regarded in the community for his abilities and recognition of the army. in 1990, paul was transferred to divisional headquarters as the director of contract and government services to provide state-wide oversight to the army’s many government contracts and work with the state government and legislature. after he established a contract monitoring system, his organizational abilities, thoroughness and skills were soon put to additional use regarding property, risk management, human resources, program planning and legal matters. the division has a long term and highly effective representation on legal issues largely because of paul’s long standing relationship with the legal counsel. he is a problem solver who is aware of people’s concerns and feelings. “paul yukumoto combines a friendly and warm style with a very professional, effective and insightful approach to his work,” said territorial social services secretary gordon bingham. “i am glad he is a part of the western territory’s team.”. many of the army’s social services achievements in hawaii have been due to his efforts. he has been honored as social worker of the month by the local nasw chapter and developed the administrative/personnel and operations manuals for major army social service programs in hawaii. when he transferred to dhq, his colleagues at the residential facility honored him with a plaque, reading in part: “…your dedicated service and willingness to assist others set a benchmark for accomplishment for all.”.
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yukumoto receives award for excellence. paul yukumoto, of the hawaiian and pacific islands division, recently was honored as the western territory’s recipient of the award for excellence in social work. “i can’t think of anyone who deserves this recognition more,” stated major don mowery, divisional commander, “and we feel very fortunate to have him as part of our team. his dedication, hard work and knowledge continue to support the work of the salvation army, its officers and mission. he carries a heavy load of technical responsibility, yet takes time to truly listen to others. paul is a tremendous asset to this division.”. after receiving his msw degree from the university of hawaii in 1965, yukumoto was employed as a case work supervisor, director of admissions, assistant administrator, and director of administrative services at the residential treatment facility. he developed one of the first runaway shelters in hawaii, and was a major factor in the facility’s transition into a psychiatric treatment program. he continues to be highly regarded in the community for his abilities and recognition of the army. in 1990, paul was transferred to divisional headquarters as the director of contract and government services to provide state-wide oversight to the army’s many government contracts and work with the state government and legislature. after he established a contract monitoring system, his organizational abilities, thoroughness and skills were soon put to additional use regarding property, risk management, human resources, program planning and legal matters. the division has a long term and highly effective representation on legal issues largely because of paul’s long standing relationship with the legal counsel. he is a problem solver who is aware of people’s concerns and feelings. “paul yukumoto combines a friendly and warm style with a very professional, effective and insightful approach to his work,” said territorial social services secretary gordon bingham. “i am glad he is a part of the western territory’s team.”. many of the army’s social services achievements in hawaii have been due to his efforts. he has been honored as social worker of the month by the local nasw chapter and developed the administrative/personnel and operations manuals for major army social service programs in hawaii. when he transferred to dhq, his colleagues at the residential facility honored him with a plaque, reading in part: “…your dedicated service and willingness to assist others set a benchmark for accomplishment for all.”.
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