Youth take leadership in Bend

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Bend Corps observes youth Sunday.

Recently, the corps in Bend, Ore. observed youth Sunday. The corps was privileged to have the new Cascade divisional leaders, Majors Donald and Arvilla Hostetler, join them for worship as the young people took part in the morning service.

Among those who participated were Melissa Taylor as a soloist, Scott Taylor bringing the opening prayer and call to worship, and Heath Taylor receiving the offering. Amanda Tumey and Lizzie Taylor sang a duet, “O boundless salvation.” Junior soldier Briana Tumey brought a message based on the temptation of Jesus titled “Jesus set the example for us all.”

“When we are in Christ Jesus, we belong to winning team,” Briana said, “and temptations do not have to control us.”

“The kids really did a good job of leading and participating in worship,” stated Corps Officer Captain Sabrina Tumey. “They would like to do this again in the near future.”

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youth take leadership in bend. bend corps observes youth sunday. recently, the corps in bend, ore. observed youth sunday. the corps was privileged to have the new cascade divisional leaders, majors donald and arvilla hostetler, join them for worship as the young people took part in the morning service. among those who participated were melissa taylor as a soloist, scott taylor bringing the opening prayer and call to worship, and heath taylor receiving the offering. amanda tumey and lizzie taylor sang a duet, “o boundless salvation.” junior soldier briana tumey brought a message based on the temptation of jesus titled “jesus set the example for us all.”. “when we are in christ jesus, we belong to winning team,” briana said, “and temptations do not have to control us.”. “the kids really did a good job of leading and participating in worship,” stated corps officer captain sabrina tumey. “they would like to do this again in the near future.”.
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