WYI ’96 Equips Youth With ‘Extreme Faith’

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By Kevin White – 

“…so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe…” Philippians 2:15 NIV

Western Youth Institute is “a time of higher learning for committed young Salvationists wanting to deepen their relationship with the Lord, while at the same time wanting to explore innovative and creative ways to share their faith,” according to its mission statement.

This year, WYI will focus on that faith, challenging delegates to a deeper sense of faith and commitment in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We are truly living in extreme times–violence, sex, drug abuse, broken homes–all of which take our young people to the edge, stretching and testing their faith. But through these difficult times, God calls us to be his blameless and pure children without fault, so we may shine like stars, drawing all to him.

Consequently, WYI ’96 seeks to equip and empower youth to strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ, while giving them the tools and opportunities to more effectively share the good news of salvation.

The program consists of morning Bible studies, a faith seminar, personal growth workshops, and creative ministry electives. Workshops will include: My Place in the Kingdom, Evangelism, Community Youth Outreach, Right from Wrong, Relationships, Women in Ministry, Men Aspiring to Spiritual Heights, Stewardship of Your Resources, and the Friendship Factor.

One of the many exciting aspects of WYI is the Youth Leadership Track, a special week-long course designed for young adults either directly involved or interested in youth ministry. Here, delegates are trained in the philosophy and theory of youth ministry and given practical insight on how to apply these principles within their avenues of ministry.

This year’s special guests will include Majors Bill and Debra Mockabee (territorial youth and candidates’ secretary), comedian Paul Aldrich and the drama group “Jordan Toes.” Lt. Colonel Raymond Peacock, territorial secretary for program designate, will preside during the final weekend.

The week will come to festive conclusion on Sunday night with a Creative Ministries Festival featuring the young adults of WYI ’96, and will include praise and worship, drama, mime, puppets, vocal groups, and many other innovative and creative forms of ministry.

The festival is scheduled for Sunday, August 25 at 7 p.m. at Camp Redwood Glen. All are invited to join the delegates and staff for this joyous occasion.


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