Word and Deed Editorial Board Meets

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The editorial board for The Salvation Army’s new theological journal, Word & Deed: A Journal of Salvation Army Theology and Ministry, met at National Headquarters in Alexandria, Va., during the recent National Literary Conference.

The board consists of eight members, including two from the Army’s Western Territory: Lt. Colonel Terry Griffin, Alaska divisional commander, and Captain Lee Lescano, Tustin Ranch corps officer.

Dr. Jonathan S. Raymond, president of the William and Catherine Booth College in Winnipeg, Canada, and Dr. Roger J. Green, chair and professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Gordon College, are the co-editors of the journal and led the sessions. One session was open to delegates at the literary conference and dealt with the practical matters of writing articles for the journal.

Members reviewed the journal’s history and reviewed all aspects of its production. The first two issues featured the doctrine of holiness, the central defining doctrine in The Salvation Army. The November issue highlights the doctrine of the church, and that theme will be continued in the spring issue.

Afternoon sessions concentrated on looking toward the future to ensure the viability of the journal, and to developing themes for future issues. The editorial board is especially concerned with increasing the number of subscriptions and finding ways to fund the journal for officers and soldiers in countries where its cost is prohibitive.

Raymond and Green reported to the editorial board the recognition that the journal has in the broader Christian world. “This was one of the reasons for publishing the journal with a respected outside publisher such as Mellen Press,” said Green. “The journal has been recognized in The Tower: The Journal of Nazarene Theological Seminary, and in the Wesleyan Theological Journal. Mellen Press also had an advertisement for the journal in the recent program bulletin of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature.”

These two societies, with their meeting this year in Boston, Mass., will draw 10,000 people to the annual conference. “Salvationists are appreciating the journal as well,” Green said. ” We have had many expressions of that from around the Army world.”

Meeting with the editorial board was crucial for the ongoing work of the journal and thereby the ministry of the Army. “We met with the members with great appreciation for their willingness to serve on the board in addition to their many other responsibilities. We trust God will bless our efforts for the sake of the Army and thereby the Kingdom,” Green noted.

To obtain a subscription, please contact: Lt. Colonel Marlene Chase; The Salvation Army National Publications–Word & Deed; 615 Slaters Lane; P.O. Box 269; Alexandria VA 22313.

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