Women unite in prayer

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Sierra del Mar Division Salvationists recently played a major role in bringing Evelyn and Harold Christenson to San Diego County. DivLoc Chairman Shirley Green, A/Captain Sam Rodriguez and Lt. Colonel Debora Bell served on the steering committee of “Uniting Our Hearts in Prayer”. The purpose of the committee was to bring Evelyn Christenson to San Diego County for a week to teach Christians how to pray and to bring them together in prayer.

Lauren Robson, Marvella Simmons and Bell served as co-chairs of one of the major events, the Women’s Prayer Gathering. “God resourced this endeavor every step of the way,” said Bell. “From the beginning we realized that this was going to be a faith-stretching event.”

Other committee members were: Major Sharron Hudson, Sierra Del Mar DHQ: Beverly Parker, Moms In Touch: Judy Wade, Skyline Wesleyan: and Kathy Burnhard, Aglow International.

More then 750 attended the event, with Salvation Army women and Moms in Touch members serving as ushers. “We met for a pre-prayer time an hour before the three-hour meeting. It sounds like a long time to spend in a meeting and in prayer, but the time went all too quickly,” said Bell. “It was a wonderful opportunity and honor to participate as a leader in this event. Evelyn Christenson loves the work of The Salvation Army and has a great heart for our ministry.”

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women unite in prayer. sierra del mar. sierra del mar division salvationists recently played a major role in bringing evelyn and harold christenson to san diego county. divloc chairman shirley green, a/captain sam rodriguez and lt. colonel debora bell served on the steering committee of “uniting our hearts in prayer”. the purpose of the committee was to bring evelyn christenson to san diego county for a week to teach christians how to pray and to bring them together in prayer. lauren robson, marvella simmons and bell served as co-chairs of one of the major events, the women’s prayer gathering. “god resourced this endeavor every step of the way,” said bell. “from the beginning we realized that this was going to be a faith-stretching event.”. other committee members were: major sharron hudson, sierra del mar dhq: beverly parker, moms in touch: judy wade, skyline wesleyan: and kathy burnhard, aglow international. more then 750 attended the event, with salvation army women and moms in touch members serving as ushers. “we met for a pre-prayer time an hour before the three-hour meeting. it sounds like a long time to spend in a meeting and in prayer, but the time went all too quickly,” said bell. “it was a wonderful opportunity and honor to participate as a leader in this event. evelyn christenson loves the work of the salvation army and has a great heart for our ministry.”.
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