Where are they now? New appointments announced

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The following appointment changes were recently announced by Secretary for Personnel Major Ralph Hood on behalf of Territorial Commander Commissioner Philip Swyers.

CASCADE DIVISION: Captains Luis and Korina Acosta—Corps Officers, Caldwell Corps, effective Sept. 28; Captain Brian M. Saunders—Additional Responsibility: Marion & Polk Counties Coordinator, effective Sept. 1.

DEL ORO DIVISION: Major Willdonna M. Rich—Associate Corps Officer, Fairfield Corps.

INTERMOUNTAIN DIVISION: Captain Debbie S. Lum—Women’s Ministries Secretary, effective Sept. 28; Major Evie Smith (R)—Community Care Ministries Secretary, effective Sept. 28; Majors J. Robert and Marjorie Hall—Associate Corps Officers (Pro-Tem), Denver Citadel Corps, effective Sept. 28.
Major Ronda Gilger—To continue as Associate Coordinator, El Paso County, effective Sept. 28; A/Captains Ralph J. and Margaret Guthrie—Corps Officers, Lewiston Corps, effective Aug. 31.

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DIVISION: Lieutenant David and Mrs. Ruth Garcia—In-Charge, Long Beach Temple Corps, effective Aug. 24.

SOUTHWEST DIVISION: Captain Christina Kamalo—Associate Corps Officer, Phoenix Citadel Corps, effective Sept. 28.

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