Western Territory officers on the move in 2012

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The Western Territory’s changes of appointment for officers, as announced by administration, include the following moves effective June 27, 2012, unless otherwise indicated:


Majors Harry & Marina Lacey Pastoral Care Officers – Officer Care & Development


Lt. Colonel Walter Fuge Risk Management Secretary

Lt. Colonel Ardis Fuge Assistant Risk Management Secretary


Lt. Colonel Zoilo Pardo Multi-Cultural Ministries Department Secretary

Lt. Colonel Magali Pardo Associate Multi-Cultural Ministries Secretary

Major Steven Bradley Spiritual Life Development Secretary

Major David Harmon World Missions/Overseas Child Sponsorship Director

Major Linda Harmon Corps Mission Development Director

Captain Suzanne Mondell Residential Housing Specialist


Majors Moises & Alicia Guerrero Chaplains – Long Beach ARC

Major Chung-Ae Kang Director of Special Services – San Bernardino ARC

Captain Timothy Rockey Administrator – Seattle ARC

Captain Judith Rockey Director of Special Services – Seattle ARC

Captains Darren & Courtney Stratton Trainees – San Francisco ARC

Lieutenants Joseph & Joni Alvarez Trainees – San Francisco ARC

Lieutenant David McDaniel Administrator – Canoga Park ARC

Lieutenant Shawn McDaniel Director of Special Services – Canoga Park ARC

Envoy Ramon Garcia Chaplain – Fresno ARC

Renay Panoncialman Command Retail Management



Majors Clay & Pam Gardner Personnel Officers

Captains William & Annalise Francis Personnel Officers

Lieutenant Clarissa Ochoa Family Care Officer


Captain Dean Lee Curriculum Officer


Lieutenant Joshua Sneed Property Officer


Captain Hannah (Kil Ja) Lee Campus Services Officer


Captain William Finley Administrator – Clitheroe Center

Captain Tolani Finley Administrator – Booth Memorial Youth & Family Services

Captains Ned & Mary Ortiz Corps Officers – Klawock Corps

Captains Timothy & Sybil Smith Corps Officers – Anchorage Corps

Envoy Uei-Taek Han In-Charge – Anchorage Korean Corps

Envoy Song-Ja Han Program Assistant – Anchorage Korean Corps


Majors Dennis & Diana Trimmer Chaplains – Portland Metro Area

Major Thomas Morrow Corps Officer – Eugene Citadel Corps and

Lane County Coordinator

Major Crystal Morrow Corps Officer – Eugene Citadel Corps

Captains Mitham & Angela Clement Corps Officers – Springfield Corps

Lieutenants Brent & Kristy Church Corps Officers – Caldwell Corps


Major Lisa Dickinson Additional Responsibilities:

Divisional Community Care Ministries Secretary

Older Adult Ministries Secretary and VAVS Secretary

Major Ray Yant Sacramento County Coordinator

Captain Michael Halverson Divisional Youth & Candidates’ Secretary

Captain Nancy Halverson Associate Divisional Youth Secretary

Captain Dan Williams Alameda County Coordinator

Captain Kimberly Williams Associate Alameda County Coordinator

Majors Glen & Linda Madsen Corps Officers – Concord Corps

Major Audrey Madsen Associate Corps Officer – Concord Corps

Majors Joseph & Florence Murray Corps Officers – Santa Rosa Corps

Major Kit Wetter Associate Corps Officer – Sacramento Citadel Corps

Captains John & Lucille Hermanson Corps Officers – El Sobrante Corps

Captains Michael & Rachel Johnson Corps Officers – Petaluma Corps

Captains Martin & Tory Ross Corps Officers – Lodi Corps

Captains Cristian & Rebeca Sibaja Corps Officers – Stockton Corps

Lieutenants Daniel & Audra Whipple Corps Officers – Redding Corps

Lieutenant Alexander Williams Corps Officer – San Rafael Corps

Envoy Tawnya Stumpf In-Charge – Chico Corps


Major Randall Kinnamon Divisional Secretary for Business

Major Cheryl Kinnamon Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary and

Community Care Ministries Secretary

Majors David & Ruth Scott Pro-Tem – Service Extension Department

Major Donna Bowman Associate Corps Officer – San Francisco Chinatown Corps

Captain Jennifer Cortez Coordinator – Mobile Ministries

Captain Dwaine Breazeale Additional Responsibility:

Corps Officer – Fresno Temple Corps

Captains Harold & Magaly Laubach Corps Officers – Tulare Corps

Captain Lisa Smith Ministry Team Officer – Modesto Citadel Corps

Captains Eric & Jasiel Tumale Corps Officers – San Jose Temple Corps

Lieutenant Mary Chung Assistant Corps Officer – Sunnyvale/Mountain View Corps


Major Harryette Raihl Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary and

Community Care Ministries Secretary

Major George Rodriguera Corps Officer – Kaneohe Corps and

Additional Responsibilities:

Divisional Disaster Services Coordinator and

Men’s Fellowship Secretary

Major Florence Rodriguera Corps Officer – Kaneohe Corps

Captain Michael Lutcher Corps Officer – Guam Corps and Micronesia Coordinator

Captain Kelley Lutcher Corps Officer – Guam Corps

Lieutenants Austin & Nayomia Anderson Corps Officers – Hanapepe Corps

A/Captain Augustine John Social Service & Property Secretary – Republic of the

Marshall Islands

A/Captain Tina John Pastoral Care Officer – Republic of the Marshall Islands

Harrick & Daisy Reiher In-Charge – Ebeye Corps


Captain Mark Gilden Divisional Youth & Candidates’ Secretary

Captain Vicki Gilden Associate Divisional Youth Secretary

Captains Thomas & Laura Fenton Chaplains – Denver Silvercrest

Captains Robert & Monica Covert Corps Officers – Fort Collins Corps

Captains Matthew & Dianne Madsen Corps Officers – Denver Red Shield Corps

A/Captains Mark & Kathy Merritt Corps Officers – Casper Corps

Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga Corps Officer- Denver West Adams Corps

Lieutenants Karl & Misty Raup Assistant Corps Officers – Colorado Springs Corps

Envoy James Mertz In-Charge – Pueblo Corps

Envoy Rose Mertz Program Assistant – Pueblo Corps

Isaias and Adelma Braga In-Charge – Broomfield Corps


Captain Shevaun Malone Divisional Youth & Candidates’ Secretary

Captain Mary K. Libby Additional Responsibilities:

Chaplain – Seattle Social Services

Majors Ronald & Ronalee Fenrich Corps Officers – Seattle Temple Corps

Majors Benton & JoAnn Markham Corps Officers – Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Center

Major Jonathan Apuan Corps Officer – Everett Corps

Major Michael & Captain Susan Nute Corps Officers – Vancouver Corps

Captains Frank & Elisabeth Desplancke Corps Officers – Wenatchee Corps

Captains Raymond & Jennifer Erickson-King Corps Officers – Seattle White Center Corps

Captains Jack & Dawn Smith Corps Officers – Yakima Corps

Lieutenant Willie Bland Chaplain – William Booth Center


Captain Kenneth Perine Divisional Secretary for Business

Captain Osei Stewart Divisional Secretary for Program

Captain Lynn Stewart Divisional Youth & Candidates’ Secretary

Captain Marcelino Soriano Divisional Finance Secretary

Major Kimberley Soriano Associate Divisional Youth Secretary

Captain David Allen Community Care Ministries Secretary and

Older Adult Ministries Secretary

Major Patricia Brooks Program Coordinator & Chaplain – Door of Hope

Captains Sylvan & Nathalie Young Corps Officers – Victor Valley Corps


Major Ian Robinson Divisional Secretary for Program

Major Isobel Robinson Associate Divisional Secretary for Program

Lieutenant Sergio Garcia Divisional Youth and Candidates’ Secretary

Lieutenant Stephanie J. Garcia Associate Divisional Youth Secretary

Majors Moises & Maria Hernandez Corps Officers – Bellflower Temple Corps

Captains Moy & Erika Hernandez Corps Officers – Long Beach Citadel Corps

Captains Eugene & Kimberly Jo Associate Corps Officers – Tustin Ranch Corps

Captain Maria Ramirez Associate Corps Officer – Hispanic Ministries –Santa Maria Corps

Captains Alexis & Vera Villanea Corps Officers – Southeast Communities Corps

Captains Aurelio & Ligia Ambriz Corps Officers – San Pedro Temple Corps

Lieutenants Matthew & Vanessa Jensen Corps Officers – Ventura Corps


Major Rafael Aspeitia Divisional Secretary for Program

Major Martha Davey Community Care Ministries/Older Adult Ministries Secretary & Herberger Campus Chaplain

Captain Angela M. Strickland Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary and

Fellowship of the Silver Star Secretary

Major Donald Takeuchi Administrator – Albuquerque City

Major Joyce Takeuchi Special Services Director – Albuquerque City

Majors Robert & Mariam Rudd Corps Officers – Phoenix Citadel Corps

Major Candice Frizzell Corps Officer – Mesa Corps

Majors Gil & Elvia Roman Corps Officers – Phoenix Central Corps

Major Cathyrn Russell Corps Officer – North Las Vegas Corps

Majors Robert & Sandra Deidrick Corps Officers – Chandler Corps

Captains Scott & Barbara Schneider Corps Officers – Las Cruces Corps

Lieutenants Richard & Minhee Lee Corps Officers – Las Vegas Korean Corps

Lieutenants Ryan & Marjorie Miller Corps Officers – Flagstaff Corps

Lieutenants Mark & Dora Stearns Corps Officers – Albuquerque Corps

Lieutenant Sheri Wetter Assistant Corps Officer – Prescott Corps


Majors Elicio & Darlan Marquez Awaiting Appointment


Majors Michael & Sandra Dossey National Headquarters

Captains Hendrik & Eugenia Sumter Eastern Territory

Lieutenants Michael & Jillian O’Brien Eastern Territory

Captains Robert and Anna Jamison Southern Territory; Effective:  June 20, 2012

Captains Thomas & Christina Taylor Southern Territory; Effective:  June 20, 2012

Comments 1

  1. Merry Christmas, Salvation Army. I have already put dollars in red kettles as they were at the Los Angeles Farmers Market already. I had wondered where Lieutenants Joshua and Jessica Sneed and family had been transferred to. They were greatly interesting and kind people, and I enjoyed working with them. They are missed from our area of the world, Glendale and surrounding. Hope you can pass on my greetings to them somehow.
    Sincerely, Barbara Briodin

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