Western Territorial Youth Chorus begins ministry

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Chorus leader reflects on group’s first weekend together.

by Marjory Watson –

After months of auditions around the territory, we finally began our first ministry weekend as the new Western Territorial Youth Chorus.

We arrived in San Francisco with excitement, anticipation and perhaps some nerves. We had never met together before—would it work? Would we all get on? Would we sound good? Would we manage to pull off a concert with only nine hours of rehearsal?

We were sharing the Saturday night concert with the Territorial Youth Band, and both groups were rehearsing and eating at the Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center in San Francisco. As everyone arrived from the airport, a huge explosion of energy burst through the doors of the center. Old friends and new joined with one purpose—to make music and praise God!

Although the rehearsals started off tentatively, the group came together quickly. The notes fell into place, and the music started to take shape. More than that, the group began growing as a fellowship, with participants making new friends, sharing their experiences and praying together. The Territorial Youth Chorus is more than just a choir. It’s a place where young people learn to be better musicians and to grow in their Christian faith and discipleship.

So what did we take away from our first weekend together? Apart from enjoying singing together, we saw how God blesses and uses what we give him as we minister to others through music. We felt blessed and privileged to have the opportunity to serve in this way, and we look forward to all that God has in store for us.

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