Western personnel serving overseas

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Some people want to see the world, others want to see it saved.

by Rhonda Lloyd, Major –

The Salvation Army Western Territory acknowledges its dedicated officers and lay personnel who have heard and responded to the call to serve God in the uttermost regions of the earth. In the past year, the territory deployed another twelve individuals to countries including Rwanda, the UK, New Zealand, Spain, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa and Brazzaville). Some have experienced lack of water and electricity, wars and rumors of wars, illness, violence and theft. Nevertheless, in every case, the testimony of God’s grace and sufficiency abounds. All of these missionaries have met the challenge of cultural adjustments, embracing both new people and new ways of living.

Your spiritual and emotional support of these individuals has helped to keep them keeping on! The value of prayer and a word from home are indeed priceless. The Apostle Paul spoke frequently of how the gifts from the various churches he had visited inspired and strengthened him during his missionary journeys. Thank you for embracing these missionaries as your own and enveloping them in your love and care. While they may be serving in places unknown to many of us, they still belong to the Western Territory, and today’s communication tools enable them to feel the touch of friends and family from home.

Many of them maintain blogs with updates on their activities and pictures of their lives and ministry. Others send us news that we post to the territorial website (www.tsamissionaries.org). Most importantly, however, is the spiritual battle engaged through prayer. We receive numerous emails relating how our missionaries can feel the power of the Holy Spirit through your prayer support. Therefore, we provide you with the following update on each of our overseas personnel.

Laura Anderson—Rwanda
Laura has nearly completed her year of service to Rwanda and will be returning in the middle of summer. Please pray for her as she transitions from this ministry of development in the shattered country of Rwanda back to the United States and the path God has planned for her.

Major Rafael and Raewyn Aspeitia—New Zealand
This couple has accepted another term in New Zealand and will continue their work as corps officers. Please pray for them and their grown children Rachel and Joshua.

Commissioners Don and Debi Bell—New Zealand
The Bells recently assumed leadership of the New Zealand, Tonga, and Fiji Territory. Extensive travel is a part of their everyday life. Please pray for wisdom in their decision-making responsibilities, compassion in their ministry to the officers and soldiers of the territory, and personal safety, health and strength to withstand the stress of travel.

Captains Eric and Adriana Bradley – Spain
The Bradley family has embraced not only a new culture and new people, but a new language as well. They have the added responsibility for both the English and Spanish speaking congregations on the island of Majorca. Please pray for their continued successful acculturation, acceptance, and adjustment to this new life and ministry.

Commissioners Kurt and Alicia Burger—Switzerland
Commissioners Burger continue to minister to the officers and soldiers of Switzerland, Austria and Hungary Territory in three different languages as well as cultures. Please pray for wisdom, peace, and guidance in their leadership as well as their personal lives.

Matthew and Brittney Downs—East Kenya
Matt and Brittney have adopted their newfound friends with enthusiasm and energy. They are responsible for developing a ministry to young adults in the East Kenya Territory. Please pray for their successful ministry to the young adults of the territory as well as personal safety and strength as they travel to the villages and join their people in worship and service.

Major Candice Frizzell—Mexico
Major Candy ministers to an entire household of children from the ages of 6 to 16 in a foreign language. The love and leadership she brings to the Mazatlan Children’s Home as well as the community of Mazatlan is inspirational. Please pray for continued positive and spiritual influence in the lives of those God has entrusted to her.

Captains Daniel and Anya Henderson—Estonia
Captains Henderson have the unique challenge of holding separate appointments in the corps as well as in the region. While life in a household with five children already busy, their increased responsibilities as of this July will add more busyness and stress. Please pray for the Captains as well as their children as they strive to serve the Lord and keep a godly balance to life.

Commissioners Kenneth and Jolene Hodder—UK
At the time of writing, Colonels Hodder are preparing to complete their ministry in East Kenya and transition to their new rank as Commissioners moving to England to minister at International Headquarters. Please pray for them and their daughter Jessica as they make this transition to a new home, school, and responsibilities.

Colonels Olin and Dianne Hogan—Mexico
The Hogans have served as the leaders of the Mexico Territory even past retirement with two voluntary extensions. Nonetheless, the time has come for their retirement to the Phoenix, Ariz., area. Please pray for them in this transition to their new home and a new phase of life and ministry.

Majors Jim and SallyAnn Hood—Mexico
No strangers to missionary service, the Hoods serve in one of the most crime-ridden areas of Mexico, in a ministry with the homeless and mentally ill. Please pray for their health and safety, as well as for vision in their ongoing ministry and service to the Lord and his often forgotten people.

Majors Ted and Debbie Horwood—UK
It seems somewhat inadequate to list the Horwoods’ appointment as the United Kingdom, since Major Ted travels on a regular basis checking on and developing projects around the world. Major Debbie holds down the fort in the UK. Please pray for the Horwoods and their grown children Micah and Jessica. Micah is here in the U.S. and Jessica is in University in Sussex.

Amelia Jones—East Kenya
Amelia is pursuing her dream of teaching preschool and is working with the children in the home in Nairobi. Although being single in a foreign country can be difficult, Amelia is flourishing in her ministry. Please pray for continued health and safety as well as spiritual influence in her work with the children.

Candace Meiborg—East Kenya
Candace has served two years at Variety Village in Thika raising rabbits for food and working alongside the disabled young adults in the carpenter shop. She returns to the U.S. in June and will be temporarily working at Camp Kuratli in the Cascade Division. Please pray for Candy’s transition and God’s guidance on her future.

Colonels Zoilo and Magali Pardo—Latin America North
As chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries, the Pardos travel often and are involved in many decisions. They survived a serious automobile accident this year and have experienced the loss of loved ones. Please continue to pray for their personal health and safety as well as their ministry to the officers and soldiers of the territory.

Major Beryl Pierce—Zambia
Major Beryl has recently taken on the new responsibility of the Chikankata Corps and four outposts along with her primary appointment as social services secretary for the Chikankata hospital. Please pray for God’s peace and calm as well as the ability to prioritize the numerous demands placed upon her in this new appointment.

Tracy Pilewksi—Congo Brazzaville
Tracy loves her work with the corps and children in Brazzaville. Her home is often filled with the laughter of youngsters building forts in the spare room or braiding her very blonde hair. Please pray for Tracy’s ministry to the children and for her to sense our support as she serves the Lord across world from friends and family.

Captain Terrance and Major Evadne Wright—New Zealand
The Wright Family has experienced challenges in their transition to their new home and appointments in New Zealand. Please pray for them and their children, Nicholas and Hannah, as they settle in and find the ministry niche God has carved out just for them.

Rachel Yu—Congo Kinshasa
Rachel will return home in August after serving as the development director in war torn Kinshasa. The economic and political situation there has made service challenging. Please pray for Rachel as she finalizes her work there and transitions back to the U.S.

Please also remember our Out of Territory Officers:

Lt. Colonel Terry and Linda Griffin in the Southern Territory
Majors George and Donna Hood at NHQ
Captains Rob and Amy Reardon (and family) also at NHQ
Lt. Colonels Paul and Carol Seiler in the Central Territory
Lt. Colonels Dan and Helen Starrett at NHQ
Captains Brian and Iva West (and family) in the Southern Territory
The Salvation Army Western Territory acknowledges its dedicated officers and lay personnel who have heard and responded to the call to serve God in the uttermost regions of the earth. In the past year, the territory deployed another twelve individuals to countries including Rwanda, the UK, New Zealand, Spain, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa and Brazzaville). Some have experienced lack of water and electricity, wars and rumors of wars, illness, violence and theft. Nevertheless, in every case, the testimony of God’s grace and sufficiency abounds. All of these missionaries have met the challenge of cultural adjustments, embracing both new people and new ways of living.

Your spiritual and emotional support of these individuals has helped to keep them keeping on! The value of prayer and a word from home are indeed priceless. The Apostle Paul spoke frequently of how the gifts from the various churches he had visited inspired and strengthened him during his missionary journeys. Thank you for embracing these missionaries as your own and enveloping them in your love and care. While they may be serving in places unknown to many of us, they still belong to the Western Territory, and today’s communication tools enable them to feel the touch of friends and family from home.

Many of them maintain blogs with updates on their activities and pictures of their lives and ministry. Others send us news that we post to the territorial website (www.tsamissionaries.org). Most importantly, however, is the spiritual battle engaged through prayer. We receive numerous emails relating how our missionaries can feel the power of the Holy Spirit through your prayer support. Therefore, we provide you with the following update on each of our overseas personnel.

Laura Anderson—Rwanda
Laura has nearly completed her year of service to Rwanda and will be returning in the middle of summer. Please pray for her as she transitions from this ministry of development in the shattered country of Rwanda back to the United States and the path God has planned for her.

Major Rafael and Raewyn Aspeitia—New Zealand
This couple has accepted another term in New Zealand and will continue their work as corps officers. Please pray for them and their grown children Rachel and Joshua.

Commissioners Don and Debi Bell—New Zealand
The Bells recently assumed leadership of the New Zealand, Tonga, and Fiji Territory. Extensive travel is a part of their everyday life. Please pray for wisdom in their decision-making responsibilities, compassion in their ministry to the officers and soldiers of the territory, and personal safety, health and strength to withstand the stress of travel.

Captains Eric and Adriana Bradley – Spain
The Bradley family has embraced not only a new culture and new people, but a new language as well. They have the added responsibility for both the English and Spanish speaking congregations on the island of Majorca. Please pray for their continued successful acculturation, acceptance, and adjustment to this new life and ministry.

Commissioners Kurt and Alicia Burger—Switzerland
Commissioners Burger continue to minister to the officers and soldiers of Switzerland, Austria and Hungary Territory in three different languages as well as cultures. Please pray for wisdom, peace, and guidance in their leadership as well as their personal lives.

Matthew and Brittney Downs—East Kenya
Matt and Brittney have adopted their newfound friends with enthusiasm and energy. They are responsible for developing a ministry to young adults in the East Kenya Territory. Please pray for their successful ministry to the young adults of the territory as well as personal safety and strength as they travel to the villages and join their people in worship and service.

Major Candice Frizzell—Mexico
Major Candy ministers to an entire household of children from the ages of 6 to 16 in a foreign language. The love and leadership she brings to the Mazatlan Children’s Home as well as the community of Mazatlan is inspirational. Please pray for continued positive and spiritual influence in the lives of those God has entrusted to her.

Captains Daniel and Anya Henderson—Estonia
Captains Henderson have the unique challenge of holding separate appointments in the corps as well as in the region. While life in a household with five children already busy, their increased responsibilities as of this July will add more busyness and stress. Please pray for the Captains as well as their children as they strive to serve the Lord and keep a godly balance to life.

Commissioners Kenneth and Jolene Hodder—UK
At the time of writing, Colonels Hodder are preparing to complete their ministry in East Kenya and transition to their new rank as Commissioners moving to England to minister at International Headquarters. Please pray for them and their daughter Jessica as they make this transition to a new home, school, and responsibilities.

Colonels Olin and Dianne Hogan—Mexico
The Hogans have served as the leaders of the Mexico Territory even past retirement with two voluntary extensions. Nonetheless, the time has come for their retirement to the Phoenix, Ariz., area. Please pray for them in this transition to their new home and a new phase of life and ministry.

Majors Jim and SallyAnn Hood—Mexico
No strangers to missionary service, the Hoods serve in one of the most crime-ridden areas of Mexico, in a ministry with the homeless and mentally ill. Please pray for their health and safety, as well as for vision in their ongoing ministry and service to the Lord and his often forgotten people.

Majors Ted and Debbie Horwood—UK
It seems somewhat inadequate to list the Horwoods’ appointment as the United Kingdom, since Major Ted travels on a regular basis checking on and developing projects around the world. Major Debbie holds down the fort in the UK. Please pray for the Horwoods and their grown children Micah and Jessica. Micah is here in the U.S. and Jessica is in University in Sussex.

Amelia Jones—East Kenya
Amelia is pursuing her dream of teaching preschool and is working with the children in the home in Nairobi. Although being single in a foreign country can be difficult, Amelia is flourishing in her ministry. Please pray for continued health and safety as well as spiritual influence in her work with the children.

Candace Meiborg—East Kenya
Candace has served two years at Variety Village in Thika raising rabbits for food and working alongside the disabled young adults in the carpenter shop. She returns to the U.S. in June and will be temporarily working at Camp Kuratli in the Cascade Division. Please pray for Candy’s transition and God’s guidance on her future.

Colonels Zoilo and Magali Pardo—Latin America North
As chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries, the Pardos travel often and are involved in many decisions. They survived a serious automobile accident this year and have experienced the loss of loved ones. Please continue to pray for their personal health and safety as well as their ministry to the officers and soldiers of the territory.

Major Beryl Pierce—Zambia
Major Beryl has recently taken on the new responsibility of the Chikankata Corps and four outposts along with her primary appointment as social services secretary for the Chikankata hospital. Please pray for God’s peace and calm as well as the ability to prioritize the numerous demands placed upon her in this new appointment.

Tracy Pilewksi—Congo Brazzaville
Tracy loves her work with the corps and children in Brazzaville. Her home is often filled with the laughter of youngsters building forts in the spare room or braiding her very blonde hair. Please pray for Tracy’s ministry to the children and for her to sense our support as she serves the Lord across world from friends and family.

Captain Terrance and Major Evadne Wright—New Zealand
The Wright Family has experienced challenges in their transition to their new home and appointments in New Zealand. Please pray for them and their children, Nicholas and Hannah, as they settle in and find the ministry niche God has carved out just for them.

Rachel Yu—Congo Kinshasa
Rachel will return home in August after serving as the development director in war torn Kinshasa. The economic and political situation there has made service challenging. Please pray for Rachel as she finalizes her work there and transitions back to the U.S.

Please also remember our Out of Territory Officers:

Lt. Colonel Terry and Linda Griffin in the Southern Territory
Majors George and Donna Hood at NHQ
Captains Rob and Amy Reardon (and family) also at NHQ
Lt. Colonels Paul and Carol Seiler in the Central Territory
Lt. Colonels Dan and Helen Starrett at NHQ
Captains Brian and Iva West (and family) in the Southern Territory
The Salvation Army Western Territory acknowledges its dedicated officers and lay personnel who have heard and responded to the call to serve God in the uttermost regions of the earth. In the past year, the territory deployed another twelve individuals to countries including Rwanda, the UK, New Zealand, Spain, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa and Brazzaville). Some have experienced lack of water and electricity, wars and rumors of wars, illness, violence and theft. Nevertheless, in every case, the testimony of God’s grace and sufficiency abounds. All of these missionaries have met the challenge of cultural adjustments, embracing both new people and new ways of living.

Your spiritual and emotional support of these individuals has helped to keep them keeping on! The value of prayer and a word from home are indeed priceless. The Apostle Paul spoke frequently of how the gifts from the various churches he had visited inspired and strengthened him during his missionary journeys. Thank you for embracing these missionaries as your own and enveloping them in your love and care. While they may be serving in places unknown to many of us, they still belong to the Western Territory, and today’s communication tools enable them to feel the touch of friends and family from home.

Many of them maintain blogs with updates on their activities and pictures of their lives and ministry. Others send us news that we post to the territorial website (www.tsamissionaries.org). Most importantly, however, is the spiritual battle engaged through prayer. We receive numerous emails relating how our missionaries can feel the power of the Holy Spirit through your prayer support. Therefore, we provide you with the following update on each of our overseas personnel.

Laura Anderson—Rwanda
Laura has nearly completed her year of service to Rwanda and will be returning in the middle of summer. Please pray for her as she transitions from this ministry of development in the shattered country of Rwanda back to the United States and the path God has planned for her.

Major Rafael and Raewyn Aspeitia—New Zealand
This couple has accepted another term in New Zealand and will continue their work as corps officers. Please pray for them and their grown children Rachel and Joshua.

Commissioners Don and Debi Bell—New Zealand
The Bells recently assumed leadership of the New Zealand, Tonga, and Fiji Territory. Extensive travel is a part of their everyday life. Please pray for wisdom in their decision-making responsibilities, compassion in their ministry to the officers and soldiers of the territory, and personal safety, health and strength to withstand the stress of travel.

Captains Eric and Adriana Bradley – Spain
The Bradley family has embraced not only a new culture and new people, but a new language as well. They have the added responsibility for both the English and Spanish speaking congregations on the island of Majorca. Please pray for their continued successful acculturation, acceptance, and adjustment to this new life and ministry.

Commissioners Kurt and Alicia Burger—Switzerland
Commissioners Burger continue to minister to the officers and soldiers of Switzerland, Austria and Hungary Territory in three different languages as well as cultures. Please pray for wisdom, peace, and guidance in their leadership as well as their personal lives.

Matthew and Brittney Downs—East Kenya
Matt and Brittney have adopted their newfound friends with enthusiasm and energy. They are responsible for developing a ministry to young adults in the East Kenya Territory. Please pray for their successful ministry to the young adults of the territory as well as personal safety and strength as they travel to the villages and join their people in worship and service.

Major Candice Frizzell—Mexico
Major Candy ministers to an entire household of children from the ages of 6 to 16 in a foreign language. The love and leadership she brings to the Mazatlan Children’s Home as well as the community of Mazatlan is inspirational. Please pray for continued positive and spiritual influence in the lives of those God has entrusted to her.

Captains Daniel and Anya Henderson—Estonia
Captains Henderson have the unique challenge of holding separate appointments in the corps as well as in the region. While life in a household with five children already busy, their increased responsibilities as of this July will add more busyness and stress. Please pray for the Captains as well as their children as they strive to serve the Lord and keep a godly balance to life.

Commissioners Kenneth and Jolene Hodder—UK
At the time of writing, Colonels Hodder are preparing to complete their ministry in East Kenya and transition to their new rank as Commissioners moving to England to minister at International Headquarters. Please pray for them and their daughter Jessica as they make this transition to a new home, school, and responsibilities.

Colonels Olin and Dianne Hogan—Mexico
The Hogans have served as the leaders of the Mexico Territory even past retirement with two voluntary extensions. Nonetheless, the time has come for their retirement to the Phoenix, Ariz., area. Please pray for them in this transition to their new home and a new phase of life and ministry.

Majors Jim and SallyAnn Hood—Mexico
No strangers to missionary service, the Hoods serve in one of the most crime-ridden areas of Mexico, in a ministry with the homeless and mentally ill. Please pray for their health and safety, as well as for vision in their ongoing ministry and service to the Lord and his often forgotten people.

Majors Ted and Debbie Horwood—UK
It seems somewhat inadequate to list the Horwoods’ appointment as the United Kingdom, since Major Ted travels on a regular basis checking on and developing projects around the world. Major Debbie holds down the fort in the UK. Please pray for the Horwoods and their grown children Micah and Jessica. Micah is here in the U.S. and Jessica is in University in Sussex.

Amelia Jones—East Kenya
Amelia is pursuing her dream of teaching preschool and is working with the children in the home in Nairobi. Although being single in a foreign country can be difficult, Amelia is flourishing in her ministry. Please pray for continued health and safety as well as spiritual influence in her work with the children.

Candace Meiborg—East Kenya
Candace has served two years at Variety Village in Thika raising rabbits for food and working alongside the disabled young adults in the carpenter shop. She returns to the U.S. in June and will be temporarily working at Camp Kuratli in the Cascade Division. Please pray for Candy’s transition and God’s guidance on her future.

Colonels Zoilo and Magali Pardo—Latin America North
As chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries, the Pardos travel often and are involved in many decisions. They survived a serious automobile accident this year and have experienced the loss of loved ones. Please continue to pray for their personal health and safety as well as their ministry to the officers and soldiers of the territory.

Major Beryl Pierce—Zambia
Major Beryl has recently taken on the new responsibility of the Chikankata Corps and four outposts along with her primary appointment as social services secretary for the Chikankata hospital. Please pray for God’s peace and calm as well as the ability to prioritize the numerous demands placed upon her in this new appointment.

Tracy Pilewksi—Congo Brazzaville
Tracy loves her work with the corps and children in Brazzaville. Her home is often filled with the laughter of youngsters building forts in the spare room or braiding her very blonde hair. Please pray for Tracy’s ministry to the children and for her to sense our support as she serves the Lord across world from friends and family.

Captain Terrance and Major Evadne Wright—New Zealand
The Wright Family has experienced challenges in their transition to their new home and appointments in New Zealand. Please pray for them and their children, Nicholas and Hannah, as they settle in and find the ministry niche God has carved out just for them.

Rachel Yu—Congo Kinshasa
Rachel will return home in August after serving as the development director in war torn Kinshasa. The economic and political situation there has made service challenging. Please pray for Rachel as she finalizes her work there and transitions back to the U.S.

Please also remember our Out of Territory Officers:

Lt. Colonel Terry and Linda Griffin in the Southern Territory
Majors George and Donna Hood at NHQ
Captains Rob and Amy Reardon (and family) also at NHQ
Lt. Colonels Paul and Carol Seiler in the Central Territory
Lt. Colonels Dan and Helen Starrett at NHQ
Captains Brian and Iva West (and family) in the Southern Territory

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western personnel serving overseas. some people want to see the world, others want to see it saved. by rhonda lloyd, major –. the salvation army western territory acknowledges its dedicated officers and lay personnel who have heard and responded to the call to serve god in the uttermost regions of the earth. in the past year, the territory deployed another twelve individuals to countries including rwanda, the uk, new zealand, spain, kenya, democratic republic of congo (kinshasa and brazzaville). some have experienced lack of water and electricity, wars and rumors of wars, illness, violence and theft. nevertheless, in every case, the testimony of god’s grace and sufficiency abounds. all of these missionaries have met the challenge of cultural adjustments, embracing both new people and new ways of living. your spiritual and emotional support of these individuals has helped to keep them keeping on! the value of prayer and a word from home are indeed priceless. the apostle paul spoke frequently of how the gifts from the various churches he had visited inspired and strengthened him during his missionary journeys. thank you for embracing these missionaries as your own and enveloping them in your love and care. while they may be serving in places unknown to many of us, they still belong to the western territory, and today’s communication tools enable them to feel the touch of friends and family from home. many of them maintain blogs with updates on their activities and pictures of their lives and ministry. others send us news that we post to the territorial website ( most importantly, however, is the spiritual battle engaged through prayer. we receive numerous emails relating how our missionaries can feel the power of the holy spirit through your prayer support. therefore, we provide you with the following update on each of our overseas personnel. laura anderson—rwanda laura has nearly completed her year of service to rwanda and will be returning in the middle of summer. please pray for her as she transitions from this ministry of development in the shattered country of rwanda back to the united states and the path god has planned for her. major rafael and raewyn aspeitia—new zealand this couple has accepted another term in new zealand and will continue their work as corps officers. please pray for them and their grown children rachel and joshua. commissioners don and debi bell—new zealand the bells recently assumed leadership of the new zealand, tonga, and fiji territory. extensive travel is a part of their everyday life. please pray for wisdom in their decision-making responsibilities, compassion in their ministry to the officers and soldiers of the territory, and personal safety, health and strength to withstand the stress of travel. captains eric and adriana bradley – spain the bradley family has embraced not only a new culture and new people, but a new language as well. they have the added responsibility for both the english and spanish speaking congregations on the island of majorca. please pray for their continued successful acculturation, acceptance, and adjustment to this new life and ministry. commissioners kurt and alicia burger—switzerland commissioners burger continue to minister to the officers and soldiers of switzerland, austria and hungary territory in three different languages as well as cultures. please pray for wisdom, peace, and guidance in their leadership as well as their personal lives. matthew and brittney downs—east kenya matt and brittney have adopted their newfound friends with enthusiasm and energy. they are responsible for developing a ministry to young adults in the east kenya territory. please pray for their successful ministry to the young adults of the territory as well as personal safety and strength as they travel to the villages and join their people in worship and service. major candice frizzell—mexico major candy ministers to an entire household of children from the ages of 6 to 16 in a foreign language. the love and leadership she brings to the mazatlan children’s home as well as the community of mazatlan is inspirational. please pray for continued positive and spiritual influence in the lives of those god has entrusted to her. captains daniel and anya henderson—estonia captains henderson have the unique challenge of holding separate appointments in the corps as well as in the region. while life in a household with five children already busy, their increased responsibilities as of this july will add more busyness and stress. please pray for the captains as well as their children as they strive to serve the lord and keep a godly balance to life. commissioners kenneth and jolene hodder—uk at the time of writing, colonels hodder are preparing to complete their ministry in east kenya and transition to their new rank as commissioners moving to england to minister at international headquarters. please pray for them and their daughter jessica as they make this transition to a new home, school, and responsibilities. colonels olin and dianne hogan—mexico the hogans have served as the leaders of the mexico territory even past retirement with two voluntary extensions. nonetheless, the time has come for their retirement to the phoenix, ariz., area. please pray for them in this transition to their new home and a new phase of life and ministry. majors jim and sallyann hood—mexico no strangers to missionary service, the hoods serve in one of the most crime-ridden areas of mexico, in a ministry with the homeless and mentally ill. please pray for their health and safety, as well as for vision in their ongoing ministry and service to the lord and his often forgotten people. majors ted and debbie horwood—uk it seems somewhat inadequate to list the horwoods’ appointment as the united kingdom, since major ted travels on a regular basis checking on and developing projects around the world. major debbie holds down the fort in the uk. please pray for the horwoods and their grown children micah and jessica. micah is here in the u.s. and jessica is in university in sussex. amelia jones—east kenya amelia is pursuing her dream of teaching preschool and is working with the children in the home in nairobi. although being single in a foreign country can be difficult, amelia is flourishing in her ministry. please pray for continued health and safety as well as spiritual influence in her work with the children. candace meiborg—east kenya candace has served two years at variety village in thika raising rabbits for food and working alongside the disabled young adults in the carpenter shop. she returns to the u.s. in june and will be temporarily working at camp kuratli in the cascade division. please pray for candy’s transition and god’s guidance on her future. colonels zoilo and magali pardo—latin america north as chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries, the pardos travel often and are involved in many decisions. they survived a serious automobile accident this year and have experienced the loss of loved ones. please continue to pray for their personal health and safety as well as their ministry to the officers and soldiers of the territory. major beryl pierce—zambia major beryl has recently taken on the new responsibility of the chikankata corps and four outposts along with her primary appointment as social services secretary for the chikankata hospital. please pray for god’s peace and calm as well as the ability to prioritize the numerous demands placed upon her in this new appointment. tracy pilewksi—congo brazzaville tracy loves her work with the corps and children in brazzaville. her home is often filled with the laughter of youngsters building forts in the spare room or braiding her very blonde hair. please pray for tracy’s ministry to the children and for her to sense our support as she serves the lord across world from friends and family. captain terrance and major evadne wright—new zealand the wright family has experienced challenges in their transition to their new home and appointments in new zealand. please pray for them and their children, nicholas and hannah, as they settle in and find the ministry niche god has carved out just for them. rachel yu—congo kinshasa rachel will return home in august after serving as the development director in war torn kinshasa. the economic and political situation there has made service challenging. please pray for rachel as she finalizes her work there and transitions back to the u.s. please also remember our out of territory officers:. lt. colonel terry and linda griffin in the southern territory majors george and donna hood at nhq captains rob and amy reardon (and family) also at nhq lt. colonels paul and carol seiler in the central territory lt. colonels dan and helen starrett at nhq captains brian and iva west (and family) in the southern territory the salvation army western territory acknowledges its dedicated officers and lay personnel who have heard and responded to the call to serve god in the uttermost regions of the earth. in the past year, the territory deployed another twelve individuals to countries including rwanda, the uk, new zealand, spain, kenya, democratic republic of congo (kinshasa and brazzaville). some have experienced lack of water and electricity, wars and rumors of wars, illness, violence and theft. nevertheless, in every case, the testimony of god’s grace and sufficiency abounds. all of these missionaries have met the challenge of cultural adjustments, embracing both new people and new ways of living. your spiritual and emotional support of these individuals has helped to keep them keeping on! the value of prayer and a word from home are indeed priceless. the apostle paul spoke frequently of how the gifts from the various churches he had visited inspired and strengthened him during his missionary journeys. thank you for embracing these missionaries as your own and enveloping them in your love and care. while they may be serving in places unknown to many of us, they still belong to the western territory, and today’s communication tools enable them to feel the touch of friends and family from home. many of them maintain blogs with updates on their activities and pictures of their lives and ministry. others send us news that we post to the territorial website ( most importantly, however, is the spiritual battle engaged through prayer. we receive numerous emails relating how our missionaries can feel the power of the holy spirit through your prayer support. therefore, we provide you with the following update on each of our overseas personnel. laura anderson—rwanda laura has nearly completed her year of service to rwanda and will be returning in the middle of summer. please pray for her as she transitions from this ministry of development in the shattered country of rwanda back to the united states and the path god has planned for her. major rafael and raewyn aspeitia—new zealand this couple has accepted another term in new zealand and will continue their work as corps officers. please pray for them and their grown children rachel and joshua. commissioners don and debi bell—new zealand the bells recently assumed leadership of the new zealand, tonga, and fiji territory. extensive travel is a part of their everyday life. please pray for wisdom in their decision-making responsibilities, compassion in their ministry to the officers and soldiers of the territory, and personal safety, health and strength to withstand the stress of travel. captains eric and adriana bradley – spain the bradley family has embraced not only a new culture and new people, but a new language as well. they have the added responsibility for both the english and spanish speaking congregations on the island of majorca. please pray for their continued successful acculturation, acceptance, and adjustment to this new life and ministry. commissioners kurt and alicia burger—switzerland commissioners burger continue to minister to the officers and soldiers of switzerland, austria and hungary territory in three different languages as well as cultures. please pray for wisdom, peace, and guidance in their leadership as well as their personal lives. matthew and brittney downs—east kenya matt and brittney have adopted their newfound friends with enthusiasm and energy. they are responsible for developing a ministry to young adults in the east kenya territory. please pray for their successful ministry to the young adults of the territory as well as personal safety and strength as they travel to the villages and join their people in worship and service. major candice frizzell—mexico major candy ministers to an entire household of children from the ages of 6 to 16 in a foreign language. the love and leadership she brings to the mazatlan children’s home as well as the community of mazatlan is inspirational. please pray for continued positive and spiritual influence in the lives of those god has entrusted to her. captains daniel and anya henderson—estonia captains henderson have the unique challenge of holding separate appointments in the corps as well as in the region. while life in a household with five children already busy, their increased responsibilities as of this july will add more busyness and stress. please pray for the captains as well as their children as they strive to serve the lord and keep a godly balance to life. commissioners kenneth and jolene hodder—uk at the time of writing, colonels hodder are preparing to complete their ministry in east kenya and transition to their new rank as commissioners moving to england to minister at international headquarters. please pray for them and their daughter jessica as they make this transition to a new home, school, and responsibilities. colonels olin and dianne hogan—mexico the hogans have served as the leaders of the mexico territory even past retirement with two voluntary extensions. nonetheless, the time has come for their retirement to the phoenix, ariz., area. please pray for them in this transition to their new home and a new phase of life and ministry. majors jim and sallyann hood—mexico no strangers to missionary service, the hoods serve in one of the most crime-ridden areas of mexico, in a ministry with the homeless and mentally ill. please pray for their health and safety, as well as for vision in their ongoing ministry and service to the lord and his often forgotten people. majors ted and debbie horwood—uk it seems somewhat inadequate to list the horwoods’ appointment as the united kingdom, since major ted travels on a regular basis checking on and developing projects around the world. major debbie holds down the fort in the uk. please pray for the horwoods and their grown children micah and jessica. micah is here in the u.s. and jessica is in university in sussex. amelia jones—east kenya amelia is pursuing her dream of teaching preschool and is working with the children in the home in nairobi. although being single in a foreign country can be difficult, amelia is flourishing in her ministry. please pray for continued health and safety as well as spiritual influence in her work with the children. candace meiborg—east kenya candace has served two years at variety village in thika raising rabbits for food and working alongside the disabled young adults in the carpenter shop. she returns to the u.s. in june and will be temporarily working at camp kuratli in the cascade division. please pray for candy’s transition and god’s guidance on her future. colonels zoilo and magali pardo—latin america north as chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries, the pardos travel often and are involved in many decisions. they survived a serious automobile accident this year and have experienced the loss of loved ones. please continue to pray for their personal health and safety as well as their ministry to the officers and soldiers of the territory. major beryl pierce—zambia major beryl has recently taken on the new responsibility of the chikankata corps and four outposts along with her primary appointment as social services secretary for the chikankata hospital. please pray for god’s peace and calm as well as the ability to prioritize the numerous demands placed upon her in this new appointment. tracy pilewksi—congo brazzaville tracy loves her work with the corps and children in brazzaville. her home is often filled with the laughter of youngsters building forts in the spare room or braiding her very blonde hair. please pray for tracy’s ministry to the children and for her to sense our support as she serves the lord across world from friends and family. captain terrance and major evadne wright—new zealand the wright family has experienced challenges in their transition to their new home and appointments in new zealand. please pray for them and their children, nicholas and hannah, as they settle in and find the ministry niche god has carved out just for them. rachel yu—congo kinshasa rachel will return home in august after serving as the development director in war torn kinshasa. the economic and political situation there has made service challenging. please pray for rachel as she finalizes her work there and transitions back to the u.s. please also remember our out of territory officers:. lt. colonel terry and linda griffin in the southern territory majors george and donna hood at nhq captains rob and amy reardon (and family) also at nhq lt. colonels paul and carol seiler in the central territory lt. colonels dan and helen starrett at nhq captains brian and iva west (and family) in the southern territory the salvation army western territory acknowledges its dedicated officers and lay personnel who have heard and responded to the call to serve god in the uttermost regions of the earth. in the past year, the territory deployed another twelve individuals to countries including rwanda, the uk, new zealand, spain, kenya, democratic republic of congo (kinshasa and brazzaville). some have experienced lack of water and electricity, wars and rumors of wars, illness, violence and theft. nevertheless, in every case, the testimony of god’s grace and sufficiency abounds. all of these missionaries have met the challenge of cultural adjustments, embracing both new people and new ways of living. your spiritual and emotional support of these individuals has helped to keep them keeping on! the value of prayer and a word from home are indeed priceless. the apostle paul spoke frequently of how the gifts from the various churches he had visited inspired and strengthened him during his missionary journeys. thank you for embracing these missionaries as your own and enveloping them in your love and care. while they may be serving in places unknown to many of us, they still belong to the western territory, and today’s communication tools enable them to feel the touch of friends and family from home. many of them maintain blogs with updates on their activities and pictures of their lives and ministry. others send us news that we post to the territorial website ( most importantly, however, is the spiritual battle engaged through prayer. we receive numerous emails relating how our missionaries can feel the power of the holy spirit through your prayer support. therefore, we provide you with the following update on each of our overseas personnel. laura anderson—rwanda laura has nearly completed her year of service to rwanda and will be returning in the middle of summer. please pray for her as she transitions from this ministry of development in the shattered country of rwanda back to the united states and the path god has planned for her. major rafael and raewyn aspeitia—new zealand this couple has accepted another term in new zealand and will continue their work as corps officers. please pray for them and their grown children rachel and joshua. commissioners don and debi bell—new zealand the bells recently assumed leadership of the new zealand, tonga, and fiji territory. extensive travel is a part of their everyday life. please pray for wisdom in their decision-making responsibilities, compassion in their ministry to the officers and soldiers of the territory, and personal safety, health and strength to withstand the stress of travel. captains eric and adriana bradley – spain the bradley family has embraced not only a new culture and new people, but a new language as well. they have the added responsibility for both the english and spanish speaking congregations on the island of majorca. please pray for their continued successful acculturation, acceptance, and adjustment to this new life and ministry. commissioners kurt and alicia burger—switzerland commissioners burger continue to minister to the officers and soldiers of switzerland, austria and hungary territory in three different languages as well as cultures. please pray for wisdom, peace, and guidance in their leadership as well as their personal lives. matthew and brittney downs—east kenya matt and brittney have adopted their newfound friends with enthusiasm and energy. they are responsible for developing a ministry to young adults in the east kenya territory. please pray for their successful ministry to the young adults of the territory as well as personal safety and strength as they travel to the villages and join their people in worship and service. major candice frizzell—mexico major candy ministers to an entire household of children from the ages of 6 to 16 in a foreign language. the love and leadership she brings to the mazatlan children’s home as well as the community of mazatlan is inspirational. please pray for continued positive and spiritual influence in the lives of those god has entrusted to her. captains daniel and anya henderson—estonia captains henderson have the unique challenge of holding separate appointments in the corps as well as in the region. while life in a household with five children already busy, their increased responsibilities as of this july will add more busyness and stress. please pray for the captains as well as their children as they strive to serve the lord and keep a godly balance to life. commissioners kenneth and jolene hodder—uk at the time of writing, colonels hodder are preparing to complete their ministry in east kenya and transition to their new rank as commissioners moving to england to minister at international headquarters. please pray for them and their daughter jessica as they make this transition to a new home, school, and responsibilities. colonels olin and dianne hogan—mexico the hogans have served as the leaders of the mexico territory even past retirement with two voluntary extensions. nonetheless, the time has come for their retirement to the phoenix, ariz., area. please pray for them in this transition to their new home and a new phase of life and ministry. majors jim and sallyann hood—mexico no strangers to missionary service, the hoods serve in one of the most crime-ridden areas of mexico, in a ministry with the homeless and mentally ill. please pray for their health and safety, as well as for vision in their ongoing ministry and service to the lord and his often forgotten people. majors ted and debbie horwood—uk it seems somewhat inadequate to list the horwoods’ appointment as the united kingdom, since major ted travels on a regular basis checking on and developing projects around the world. major debbie holds down the fort in the uk. please pray for the horwoods and their grown children micah and jessica. micah is here in the u.s. and jessica is in university in sussex. amelia jones—east kenya amelia is pursuing her dream of teaching preschool and is working with the children in the home in nairobi. although being single in a foreign country can be difficult, amelia is flourishing in her ministry. please pray for continued health and safety as well as spiritual influence in her work with the children. candace meiborg—east kenya candace has served two years at variety village in thika raising rabbits for food and working alongside the disabled young adults in the carpenter shop. she returns to the u.s. in june and will be temporarily working at camp kuratli in the cascade division. please pray for candy’s transition and god’s guidance on her future. colonels zoilo and magali pardo—latin america north as chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries, the pardos travel often and are involved in many decisions. they survived a serious automobile accident this year and have experienced the loss of loved ones. please continue to pray for their personal health and safety as well as their ministry to the officers and soldiers of the territory. major beryl pierce—zambia major beryl has recently taken on the new responsibility of the chikankata corps and four outposts along with her primary appointment as social services secretary for the chikankata hospital. please pray for god’s peace and calm as well as the ability to prioritize the numerous demands placed upon her in this new appointment. tracy pilewksi—congo brazzaville tracy loves her work with the corps and children in brazzaville. her home is often filled with the laughter of youngsters building forts in the spare room or braiding her very blonde hair. please pray for tracy’s ministry to the children and for her to sense our support as she serves the lord across world from friends and family. captain terrance and major evadne wright—new zealand the wright family has experienced challenges in their transition to their new home and appointments in new zealand. please pray for them and their children, nicholas and hannah, as they settle in and find the ministry niche god has carved out just for them. rachel yu—congo kinshasa rachel will return home in august after serving as the development director in war torn kinshasa. the economic and political situation there has made service challenging. please pray for rachel as she finalizes her work there and transitions back to the u.s. please also remember our out of territory officers:. lt. colonel terry and linda griffin in the southern territory majors george and donna hood at nhq captains rob and amy reardon (and family) also at nhq lt. colonels paul and carol seiler in the central territory lt. colonels dan and helen starrett at nhq captains brian and iva west (and family) in the southern territory.
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