Weather Report: Let it Snow

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Let It Snow

“Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow?”

You fall in silence to the earth,

and footsteps on your ermine carpet

are muffled to feather softness.

The earthquake rumbles, and thunder

roars, and rain patters a staccato

cacophony…but you serve in silence.

Fire rushes about madly, the sea rages;

The wind whistles and whips in maddening

fury…but you utter not a sound.

Your silence calms the mind and stills

the soul and soothes the troubled spirit.

I lift my face to feel your kiss upon my

cheek…like some love phantom in a dream,

You speak to me of peace.

Ivy H. Waterworth

Brigadier (R)



I see the snow at daybreak

In the rosy gray of dawn,

As a softness like down feathers

Spreads a carpet on my lawn;

I take a step in whimsy

And mar it with elation

And leave a print of earthbound feet

Upon God’s pure creation.

I see the snow at midday

In the blinding light of noon,

And pray for some small sheltered place

To grant a shady boon;

Then God flings out a canopy

Of cloud across the skies

And I turn in contemplation

Of the sight that meets my eyes.

I see the snow at twilight

When the evening shadows fall,

And I wonder if its stillness

Is the fairest time of all;

For the day with all its busyness

Is slipping fast apace

And a sense of peace and calmness

Seems to settle on the place.

I see the snow still falling

In the silence of the night,

With not a star appearing,

Yet the world is wrapt in light;

As though God spreads a coverlet

Upon the bed of earth

And tucks his sleeping child in tight.


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