Upcoming session names announced

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General Shaw Clifton releases the names for sessions of cadets entering training from 2008 through to 2012.


The use of sessional names for cadet intakes began with the name of Victory in 1918 and has continued ever since. These names create special links between the many training colleges around the Army world, encourage comradeship among cadets and officers, and provide a focus for preaching, teaching and reflection throughout and even beyond the life of a session.

In selecting names for the next five sessions, I have tried to keep these things in mind. It has also been my desire to introduce new concepts into the names, but always in keeping with our God-given mission and identity.

The names for future cadet sessions, following Witnesses for Christ (2007–2009), will therefore be:

2008–2010 Prayer Warriors
2009–2011 Ambassadors of Holiness
2010–2012 Friends of Christ
2011–2013 Proclaimers of the Resurrection
2012–2014 Disciples of the Cross

Prayer Warriors: Here is a name in keeping with the great need of our time. Prayer is the Army’s spiritual engine and the need for those who will be constant and persistent in prayer is as urgent as ever it was. Prayer is a vital weapon in the Salvation War, a war we pursue without guns, and led by the Prince of Peace. The word Prayer has not previously featured in any sessional name, although we recall with gratitude the Intercessors of 1951–1952, and the Faithful Intercessors of 1997–1999. We thank God also for the Warriors of 1946–1947.

Ambassadors of Holiness: This name brings into focus the holiness teaching which is such a key part of the Army’s mission and identity. It reminds us of the need for every officer to understand, to teach, and to exemplify the truths expressed in our tenth doctrine. While Ambassadors has been part of three earlier sessional names, this is the first time that a sessional name has included Holiness.

Friends of Christ: This name signals the close intimacy that all entering into full-time ministry seek to enjoy, encouraging others to become also the friends of Christ in accordance with John 15:14 and in obedience to the divine commands. No previous sessional name has used Friends, but seven have included the name of Christ.

Proclaimers of the Resurrection: Here is a sessional name that explicitly identifies those using it with the very first Christians. Paul tells us that without the Resurrection there is no hope of salvation (1 Corinthians 15:12-19). Preaching the Risen Christ is thus our central mission. No previous sessional name has referred to Resurrection, though three have used Proclaimers.

Disciples of the Cross: Surprisingly, only twice before has the Cross been referred to in a sessional name, Soldiers of the Cross in 1973–1975, and Crossbearers in 2000–2002. Equally, Disciples has appeared in only one previous name, Disciples of Jesus in 1976–1978. Disciples of the Cross will be a name reminding us to be a Christ-centered, Cross-conscious Army of God, placing Calvary and its meaning at the heart of all we do. Also, a disciple is teachable and humble, attributes without which we can never be all we are intended to be in Christ.

May God continue to call many into the paths of officership, filling places now empty in our colleges, and may these names be blessed and used of God to inspire reflection, preaching and teaching pleasing to him in the years to come.

Yours in Christ,
Shaw Clifton, GENERAL

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upcoming session names announced. general shaw clifton releases the names for sessions of cadets entering training from 2008 through to 2012. the use of sessional names for cadet intakes began with the name of victory in 1918 and has continued ever since. these names create special links between the many training colleges around the army world, encourage comradeship among cadets and officers, and provide a focus for preaching, teaching and reflection throughout and even beyond the life of a session. in selecting names for the next five sessions, i have tried to keep these things in mind. it has also been my desire to introduce new concepts into the names, but always in keeping with our god-given mission and identity. the names for future cadet sessions, following witnesses for christ (2007–2009), will therefore be:. 2008–2010 prayer warriors 2009–2011 ambassadors of holiness 2010–2012 friends of christ 2011–2013 proclaimers of the resurrection 2012–2014 disciples of the cross. prayer warriors: here is a name in keeping with the great need of our time. prayer is the army’s spiritual engine and the need for those who will be constant and persistent in prayer is as urgent as ever it was. prayer is a vital weapon in the salvation war, a war we pursue without guns, and led by the prince of peace. the word prayer has not previously featured in any sessional name, although we recall with gratitude the intercessors of 1951–1952, and the faithful intercessors of 1997–1999. we thank god also for the warriors of 1946–1947. ambassadors of holiness: this name brings into focus the holiness teaching which is such a key part of the army’s mission and identity. it reminds us of the need for every officer to understand, to teach, and to exemplify the truths expressed in our tenth doctrine. while ambassadors has been part of three earlier sessional names, this is the first time that a sessional name has included holiness. friends of christ: this name signals the close intimacy that all entering into full-time ministry seek to enjoy, encouraging others to become also the friends of christ in accordance with john 15:14 and in obedience to the divine commands. no previous sessional name has used friends, but seven have included the name of christ. proclaimers of the resurrection: here is a sessional name that explicitly identifies those using it with the very first christians. paul tells us that without the resurrection there is no hope of salvation (1 corinthians 15:12-19). preaching the risen christ is thus our central mission. no previous sessional name has referred to resurrection, though three have used proclaimers. disciples of the cross: surprisingly, only twice before has the cross been referred to in a sessional name, soldiers of the cross in 1973–1975, and crossbearers in 2000–2002. equally, disciples has appeared in only one previous name, disciples of jesus in 1976–1978. disciples of the cross will be a name reminding us to be a christ-centered, cross-conscious army of god, placing calvary and its meaning at the heart of all we do. also, a disciple is teachable and humble, attributes without which we can never be all we are intended to be in christ. may god continue to call many into the paths of officership, filling places now empty in our colleges, and may these names be blessed and used of god to inspire reflection, preaching and teaching pleasing to him in the years to come. yours in christ, shaw clifton, general.
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