From Soldier to General
The Salvation Army’s organizational structure can appear complicated, but in essence there are just six steps from a soldier in the local corps to the General at International Headquarters

A lay member of The Salvation Army 14 years of age or over who subscribes to the doctrines and practices of The Salvation Army and has signed the Soldier’s Covenant
Corps Officer
An officer who is responsible for the ecclesiastical and administrative leadership of a local corps
Divisional Director of Women’s Ministries
An officer responsible for all women’s activities and programs within a division
Divisional Commander
An officer appointed as the chief administrative officer for a division of The Salvation Army—a prescribed geographical area within a territory, organized for administrative purposes under a divisional headquarters
ARC Commander
An officer appointed as the chief administrative officer for Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Centers within a territory
Training Principal
An officer appointed with responsibility for the preparation and training of cadets as Salvation Army officers within a territory
Secretary for Personnel
An officer appointed as a member of the territorial commander’s cabinet with responsibility for all personnel matters within a territory
Secretary for Business Administration
An officer appointed as a member of the territorial commander’s cabinet with responsibility for all business matters within a territory
Secretary for Program
An officer appointed as a member of the territorial commander’s cabinet with responsibility for all program matters within a territory
Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries
An officer appointed to assist the Territorial President of Women’s Ministries in providing leadership to all women’s activities and programs within a territory
Chief Secretary
A Salvation Army officer who assists the territorial commander with ecclesiastical and administrative responsibility for a territory and heads the territorial management team
Territorial President of Women’s Ministries
An officer appointed with responsibility for all women’s activities and programs within a territory
Territorial Commander
The Salvation Army officer with ecclesiastical and administrative responsibility for all Salvation Army programs and functions within a geographical area designated as a territory
National Secretary for Women’s Ministries
An officer appointed to assist the National President of Women’s Ministries in providing leadership to women’s activities and programs in the United States
National Chief Secretary
A Salvation Army officer who assists the National Commander with ecclesiastical and administrative responsibility for the national office and heads the NHQ management team
National President of Women’s Ministries
An officer appointed with responsibility for providing leadership to women’s activities and programs in the United States
National Commander
An officer appointed with responsibility for coordinating the four USA territories to ensure the consistent presentation of the mission and purpose of The Salvation Army throughout the United States
Commissioners’ Conference
The coordinating and policy-making body of The Salvation Army in the United States, comprised of the national commander as chairperson, the four territorial commanders, the four territorial presidents of women’s ministries, the national chief secretary and the four territorial chief secretaries
Secretary for Women’s Ministries—Americas and Caribbean
An officer appointed as liaison between the women’s ministries office at International Headquarters and the various territories and commands of the Americas and Caribbean zone
International Secretary for Business Administration
An officer appointed with responsibility for international accounting, auditing, banking and property including oversight of the finance functions in territories and commands worldwide
International Secretary to the Chief of the Staff
An officer appointed with responsibility for the effective administration of International Headquarters, for IHQ personnel, for international external relations, for providing legal advice, and for ensuring that the strategic planning and monitoring process is implemented and used effectively
International Secretary—Americas and Caribbean
An officer appointed as the main administrative link between International Headquarters and the various territories and commands of the Americas and Caribbean zone. One of five zones, the others being Africa, Europe, South Asia and South Pacific & East Asia
International Secretary for Personnel
An officer appointed with responsibility for the personal and vocational development of all personnel, their pastoral care and physical well-being, the identification of officers with future leadership potential, the monitoring of officer training and development and the processing of all offers for international service
International Secretary for Program Resources
An officer appointed with responsibility for envisioning, coordinating, resourcing and raising awareness of the global mission of The Salvation Army
Principal, International College for Officers
An officer appointed with responsibility for The Salvation Army’s residential continuing education program in London where selected officers from around the world are immersed in a close-knit community of learning designed to deepen the delegates’ commitments to God, officership and the international Salvation Army
World Secretary for Women’s Ministries
An officer appointed to assist the World President of Women’s Ministries in providing leadership to women’s activities and programs worldwide
The Chief of the Staff
The officer second in command of The Salvation Army throughout the world
World President of Women’s Ministries
An officer appointed with responsibility for all women’s activities and programs worldwide
The General
The officer elected to the supreme command of The Salvation Army throughout the world
All appointments are made, and all regulations are issued, under the General’s authority.
Sources: The Salvation Army Year Book 2006, National Headquarters database: SA National Guidelines—Definitive Statement of SA Services and Activities in the USA—Glossary of Terms.
Wonderful work
N m proud to a Soldier