Salvation Army sends turkeys to Tuluksak

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Village suffered a power outage in early November that destroyed its food supplies.

Residents of Tuluksak enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving meal thanks to The Salvation Army, which partnered with Samaritan’s Purse and Food Bank of Alaska to send 40 turkeys to the southwestern Alaska community with a population of 373 people.

In early November, the village lost power for a week and approximately 62 households lost roughly 11,000 pounds of winter food provisions, including fish, moose, caribou, berries and birds.

“The residents here are so thankful for the people of Alaska stepping forward to help them,” said Elena Gregory, Tuluksak Native Community council member. “They had a poor fishing season and then to lose their frozen provisions was difficult. This will help them get through the winter.”

More assistance is coming.

“This is the first food shipment of food items. Next week we will begin sending salmon and halibut,” said Jenni Ragland, director of Service Extension and Emergency Disaster Services for The Salvation Army in Alaska.

Samaritan’s Purse donated the air transportation for the turkeys and Food Bank of Alaska helped purchase them. The next food shipment will be coordinated in conjunction with Alaska Airlines and the Association of Village Council Presidents.

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