Tucson Honors CSM Marvin Lantz

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DEDICATED TO THE CORPS–Tucson Temple Sergeant Major Marvin Lantz (center) was among those who received special recognition for more than 45 years of service from (l-r) Corps Officers Majors Juvencio and Gloria Utrera.


by Annie Woods-Tornick – 

On “Older Adults Ministries Sunday,” the Tucson Temple Corps recently paid homage to its members of more than 45 years. Certificates of recognition were presented to Ernette Miller, Esther M. Bugbee, and Olive Craddock. Singled out for special recognition and honors was Sergeant Major Marvin W. Lantz, who turned 85 in June.

Lantz, who has 46 years of service with the corps, is active in Promise Keepers and League of Mercy, is a Corps Council member and Sunday school teacher.

A former Navy Seabee, Lantz was a Methodist minister in 1953 when he and his family moved to Tucson from West Virginia. The Army’s “small town church” friendliness and mission to help others appealed to them, and soon the family was involved in ministry at the Temple Corps. He was commissioned a corps sergeant in 1965 and until 1995 represented the Army at the Veterans Hospital, supervising a number of programs.

He had to cut back on his activities in 1988 to care for his invalid wife, who has since been promoted to Glory. Now, he continues to be active, helping out Temple Corps Officers Majors Juvencio and Gloria Utrera whenever possible.

“Sergeant Major Lantz is a great inspiration,” says Major Utrera. “He has a tremendous spirit–and his gift is the spirit of service and teaching.”

This year, a granddaughter, Linnea-Lynne Desplanke, and her husband, John, were commissioned as officers. Grandson Derek Strickland will become an officer next year. His daughter and son-in-law are Lt. Colonels Charles and April Strickland, Del Oro divisional leaders.

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