Treasure hunt

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by Beth Desplancke, Captain –

Sam, my 3-year-old, has developed a habit—almost an addiction. Every time we go to the ARC he has to go searching at the Thrift Store for “treasure.” What constitutes treasure to my son? Any plastic toy that is painted in bright colors, has wheels or makes noise. The bigger and nosier it is the better.

“You don’t want that. It’s a piece of junk,” I remark.

He looks up at me and emphatically replies, “Nope! It’s treasure!” And of course, we have to purchase this “invaluable” treasure.

Treasure is all in the eye of the beholder, and the ARC is overflowing with treasure—men and women who come seeking hope, health and a new beginning. The exciting part of ministry here is the privilege to witness firsthand God’s transforming ability. Gone is the life of emptiness; it is replaced with abundant hope. No longer in the bondage of addiction, the beneficiaries now experience freedom. They may walk in feeling like garbage and having no worth, but they leave as valuable treasure. God has changed them; they are new creations.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 gives us a wonderful promise: He has made everything beautiful in its time (NIV). There is no junk at the ARC! Only rare, priceless, cherished treasure.

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