THQ employees “bring a kid to work”

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Western Territorial Headquarters recently welcomed 55 young employees ­ but they only stayed for one day! No, working conditions aren’t that frightful at THQ ­ it was a special event: Bring A Kid to Work Day.

Suggested by the THQ Interdepartmental Social Committee, the idea developed from the “Bring Your Daughter to Work Day,” begun years ago by women in management. Not wanting to restrict the event to daughters only, THQ opened it to all kids with an employee connection and scheduled it during the summer to minimize the impact on school.

Jeanna Dennis Cullum, assistant human resources director, says “The social committee worked with the human resources department to make the idea a reality, and soon the day took on a life of its own.” Spike, the Long Beach Ice Dogs mascot, greeted everyone, and after receiving official employee badges, the kids toured several departments, including New Frontier, IT and music. During craft time, they made office items, including note holders, mouse pads and pencil cups. Over 90 kids and hosts enjoyed a lunchtime cruise around Long Beach’s Rainbow Harbor. And, of course, the kids were able to job shadow with their parent or sponsor.

One employee commented: “My children and I were so encouraged by this experience. They made new friends, sponsored two children from Russia and got a chance to see the different areas in the Army and to realize that we are more than thrift stores (like I used to think). Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

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