This Sunday, worship online with The Salvation Army

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This Sunday, March 22, use this resource to join in guided worship from your home.

USA Western Territory: Sunday Worship 2

Find it online here.

Congregational Song – Lord You Are Good
“Lord, you are good and your mercy endures forever.”

Prayer – “My Lord’s Prayer”
While the music plays, pray as a family or on the phone with friends giving thanks to God for his faithfulness through all circumstances. Pray for your community, the people in need, and for our Army as we minister to thousands across this country. Ask God to provide healing to the sick, to protect us and deliver us from the coronavirus.

We Believe – Doctrine 2
Watch and listen as others express what this doctrine means to them.

The Prodigal Son
Enjoy this presentation of the story of the Prodigal Son. Spend a moment in prayer for those you know who have wandered away from the Lord. During these difficult times, consider taking time to reach out to those you know, offering a prayer for them, or just to let them know that you care for them.

Testimony and Offering – Savior Like A Shepherd
Watch and listen to this testimony and special music. Remember that your tithing is important even though you are not able to be at the corps. You can download the app on your iPhone or Android and make your tithe online. 

Worship in Song – Cornerstone
Worship and pray through this song, reminding yourself of the power and might of God who is the foundation and rock that we can rely on.

Scripture Presentation – Mark 2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man

They Need Christ
There are people hurting all around us, they need us—and they need Christ. May we show them Christ through our actions.

Devotional Thought – Boiler Plate
Presented by Territorial Commander Commissioner Kenneth G. Hodder

Final moments of worship and dedication – I’m In His Hands

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