The General Urges Swiss Salvationists to Share Christ’s Message of Freedom, Hope and Life

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General Linda Bond, making her first visit as international leader to The Salvation Army’s Switzerland, Austria and Hungary Territory, challenged Salvationists in Switzerland to live a consistent life of faith. During a meeting of celebration in which music was provided by the Alive Choir and Corps Berne Band, she emphasised that the message to be conveyed is not about The Salvation Army but about the gospel of hope, freedom and life preached by Jesus Christ. She spoke to the Salvationists gathered about the International Vision, reminding them that they are part of One Army with One Mission and One Message.

In a public meeting in Berne that followed national officers councils, she told the congregation of almost 500 people that ‘inspired by the Holy Spirit, The Salvation Army must take its mission seriously and go out into the world. Because this world has so many people hurting, broken, lonely, dispossessed and lost, who sorely need Christ’s message of freedom, hope and life in order to change their lives.’

Citing freedom, hope and life as cornerstones of the gospel, the General said: ‘We have to be The Salvation Army of freedom! It is Jesus Christ who delivers us from bondage – and the world today is crying out for freedom.’

She concluded: ‘Do you live in victory? Do you have hope? The world needs our redeemer offering freedom, hope and life!’

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