The General and Commissioner Silvia Cox are Welcomed to International Headquarters

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The General and Commissioner Silvia Cox are Welcomed to International HeadquartersGENERAL André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox (World President of Women’s Ministries) were welcomed to International Headquarters (IHQ) with applause and cheers from officers and staff. The international leaders arrived at the building on Monday 5 August, just before the clock at nearby St Paul’s Cathedral struck nine.The new General gave thanks for the warmth of the welcome before making clear the purpose of IHQ: ‘A headquarters only exists to resource the frontline mission,’ he said.Commissioner William Cochrane (International Secretary to the Chief of the Staff) offered a prayer of thanks, welcome and dedication before the General and Commissioner Cox shook hands with every member of the IHQ family then headed to their new offices to get on with the work of leading and prayerfully directing the international Salvation Army.

Report by the Communications Section

International Headquarters

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the general and commissioner silvia cox are welcomed to international headquarters. the general and commissioner silvia cox are welcomed to international headquartersgeneral andré cox and commissioner silvia cox (world president of women’s ministries) were welcomed to international headquarters (ihq) with applause and cheers from officers and staff. the international leaders arrived at the building on monday 5 august, just before the clock at nearby st paul’s cathedral struck nine.the new general gave thanks for the warmth of the welcome before making clear the purpose of ihq: ‘a headquarters only exists to resource the frontline mission,’ he said.commissioner william cochrane (international secretary to the chief of the staff) offered a prayer of thanks, welcome and dedication before the general and commissioner cox shook hands with every member of the ihq family then headed to their new offices to get on with the work of leading and prayerfully directing the international salvation army. report by the communications section. international headquarters.
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