San Francisco Adult Rehabilitation Center.
It was a time to give thanks at The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center in San Francisco this past Thanksgiving as dozens of volunteers from Cheesecake Factory Restaurants in the Bay Area took over the ARC dining hall and kitchen to serve a delicious Thanksgiving feast. Guests from many Army and community programs joined together as a family at the ARC to receive a sit-down meal of turkey with all the fixings and, of course, The Cheesecake Factory’s world famous pumpkin cheesecake. The restaurant’s chefs, line cooks, servers, hostesses and office staff were all on hand to seat, serve, clean up and spread Thanksgiving cheer to those less fortunate.
“We’ve had this event at the San Francisco ARC for the past eight years and this year I’m pleased to announce we set a new record with more than 500 meals served!” Major Katherine Reed, associate Bay Area coordinator for The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center in San Francisco and Lytton Springs, said. “We are truly blessed to have this partnership with The Cheesecake Factory. Without their support, we would not be able to serve as many people as we did today.”
According to Lim, “Nothing pleases me more than to see the smiles on the faces of the men and women when they see themselves and their families presented in a beautiful way. Many have told me they have never worn a suit and tie, or never have had a formal picture taken before. They look good, dignified and respectable. They see themselves in a new light. When they see themselves this way, it changes them and gives them new hope.”
The entire day was filled with fellowship, love and laughter. Henry Park, who led the team of The Cheesecake Factory volunteers, ended the day with a high-five to Reed exclaiming, “See you next year!”