Stricklands installed as Northwest leaders

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NEW DIVISIONAL LEADERS were installed recently in the Northwest Division. Pictured (l-r) Commissioner Doreen Edwards, Lt. Col. Charles Strickland, Commissioner David Edwards and Majs. Ron and Pamela Strickland.


The Northwest Division recently gave a rousing red, yellow and blue welcome to the new divisional leaders, Majors Ron and Pamela Strickland, at the Seattle Temple Corps. Officers, soldiers, friends and family gathered from throughout the country for this installation service, presided over by Commissioners David and Doreen Edwards.

In his initial remarks, Edwards graciously acknowledged the bittersweet nature of the event necessitated by the sudden serious illness of Lt. Colonel Chris Buchanan in the fall of 1999. He thanked Lt. Colonels Mervyn and Shirley Morelock(R) for so capably standing in the gap as interim divisional leaders.

The Stricklands were welcomed with gifts from the Northwest’s great bounty, presented by young people from throughout the division. Two young ladies in traditional Laotian garb presented the couple with floral tributes. Welcoming remarks were given by officers and soldiers of the division.

During the installation ceremony the Commissioner remarked that Majors Ron and Pamela Strickland came to this appointment not only on the recommendation of administration, but perhaps more importantly with the support and approval of their peers as godly officers, serving with integrity and love. The installation itself was a moving ceremony, a renewing of the covenant these two officers have made with God. Edwards charged the couple with their duty to the mercy seat, reaching souls for the Kingdom; to the flag and their commitment to furthering the purposes of The Salvation Army; and to the people of the Northwest–always striving to lead them deeper into a holy life.

Major Ron Strickland in his remarks challenged the Salvationists the division to reach out continually to others in the healing love and power of Jesus Christ.

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stricklands installed as northwest leaders. new divisional leaders were installed recently in the northwest division. pictured (l-r) commissioner doreen edwards, lt. col. charles strickland, commissioner david edwards and majs. ron and pamela strickland. by captain cathi boyd –. the northwest division recently gave a rousing red, yellow and blue welcome to the new divisional leaders, majors ron and pamela strickland, at the seattle temple corps. officers, soldiers, friends and family gathered from throughout the country for this installation service, presided over by commissioners david and doreen edwards. in his initial remarks, edwards graciously acknowledged the bittersweet nature of the event necessitated by the sudden serious illness of lt. colonel chris buchanan in the fall of 1999. he thanked lt. colonels mervyn and shirley morelock(r) for so capably standing in the gap as interim divisional leaders. the stricklands were welcomed with gifts from the northwest’s great bounty, presented by young people from throughout the division. two young ladies in traditional laotian garb presented the couple with floral tributes. welcoming remarks were given by officers and soldiers of the division. during the installation ceremony the commissioner remarked that majors ron and pamela strickland came to this appointment not only on the recommendation of administration, but perhaps more importantly with the support and approval of their peers as godly officers, serving with integrity and love. the installation itself was a moving ceremony, a renewing of the covenant these two officers have made with god. edwards charged the couple with their duty to the mercy seat, reaching souls for the kingdom; to the flag and their commitment to furthering the purposes of the salvation army; and to the people of the northwest–always striving to lead them deeper into a holy life. major ron strickland in his remarks challenged the salvationists the division to reach out continually to others in the healing love and power of jesus christ.
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