Starbucks guarantees happy campers

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STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY is partnering with The Salvation Army to send needy and disadvantaged children to summer camp.

Starbucks Coffee Company and The Salvation Army have joined together to brighten a thousand children’s lives with the introduction of Starbucks Happy Campers, a fundraising program to send at-risk youth to summer camp.

Launching in conjunction with National Salvation Army week, Happy Campers will run May 15 through June 18 at 650 selected Starbucks locations in California, Phoenix/Tucson, Las Vegas, and Reno.

“The Army’s partnership with Starbucks is a miracle from heaven for the needy, disadvantaged children who will be able to attend The Salvation Army summer camp,” said Territorial Youth Secretary Major Rudy Hedgren. “They will see God’s beautiful creation, hear the sounds of nature, and make new friends.

“Thank you, Starbucks, for promoting this camp fundraiser and thank you to the many generous donors who will contribute to this life changing experience for these special children.”

“Many inner-city children have never been outside of the city, let alone on a nature hike or camping out in a tent,” said Don Nose, Starbucks regional marketing director, southwest zone. “Starbucks Happy Campers aims to send 1,000 children out into nature, roasting marshmallows over a campfire and making new friends. We hope to show these kids there’s a whole other world to be explored.”

While visiting Starbucks, customers can select a $1, $5, or $20 donation “tent” flag from an in-store banner, and receive a receipt for tax purposes. The funds raised from Happy Campers will go toward various camping activities ranging from music to theater and scouting lessons, all for children between 7-18 years of age.

“The generosity and support of Starbucks customers helped make our Holiday Angels program a huge success and we’re hopeful Happy Campers will strike the same chord,” said Captain Bob Rudd, community relations and development secretary. “It costs $175 to send one child to camp, so every donation-large or small-makes a huge difference in getting kids off the streets and into a positive, fun environment.”

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starbucks guarantees happy campers. starbucks coffee company is partnering with the salvation army to send needy and disadvantaged children to summer camp. starbucks coffee company and the salvation army have joined together to brighten a thousand children’s lives with the introduction of starbucks happy campers, a fundraising program to send at-risk youth to summer camp. launching in conjunction with national salvation army week, happy campers will run may 15 through june 18 at 650 selected starbucks locations in california, phoenix/tucson, las vegas, and reno. “the army’s partnership with starbucks is a miracle from heaven for the needy, disadvantaged children who will be able to attend the salvation army summer camp,” said territorial youth secretary major rudy hedgren. “they will see god’s beautiful creation, hear the sounds of nature, and make new friends. “thank you, starbucks, for promoting this camp fundraiser and thank you to the many generous donors who will contribute to this life changing experience for these special children.”. “many inner-city children have never been outside of the city, let alone on a nature hike or camping out in a tent,” said don nose, starbucks regional marketing director, southwest zone. “starbucks happy campers aims to send 1,000 children out into nature, roasting marshmallows over a campfire and making new friends. we hope to show these kids there’s a whole other world to be explored.”. while visiting starbucks, customers can select a $1, $5, or $20 donation “tent” flag from an in-store banner, and receive a receipt for tax purposes. the funds raised from happy campers will go toward various camping activities ranging from music to theater and scouting lessons, all for children between 7-18 years of age. “the generosity and support of starbucks customers helped make our holiday angels program a huge success and we’re hopeful happy campers will strike the same chord,” said captain bob rudd, community relations and development secretary. “it costs $175 to send one child to camp, so every donation-large or small-makes a huge difference in getting kids off the streets and into a positive, fun environment.”.
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