So. Cal. Youth Discover Solid Rock

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by Allison Starrett – 

More than 400 gathered for Southern California Division’s “Solid-Rock-Solid” Youth Councils at Camps Mt. Crags and Gilmore. Activities began on Friday with opening ceremonies and the introduction of the theme chorus, written by Donnie Rasmussen.

Friday evening began with several “Late Night Alternatives,” including an innovative Christian rock concert given by Scott Blackwell, a Hispanic Praise meeting, and the annual Life Service reception in the “Solid Rock Cafe.”

Workshops ranged from beginning drama to leading worship. A music video came from the workshop “MTV 4 Jesus,” featuring footage of the weekend set to Christian music. Officers’ children met to discuss their experiences and how they can help influence those around them based on these experiences.

During free time on Saturday afternoon, delegates and officers were able to listen to several Christian music groups, ranging in style from rap to hard rock.

That night, delegates put on a talent show sponsored by Micah Productions. The acts included singing, dramatic presentations, and devotions-in-motion.

Colonel Bill Luttrell gave the message at Sunday morning worship service, where more than 70 accepted Christ and 22 accepted a call to lifetime service given by Major Rudy Hedgren.

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