So Cal Passes $1 Million In World Service Giving

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SELF DENIAL–Lt. Ron Fenrich and son Jonathan make a donation as Lt. Col. Sherryl Van Cleef holds the basket.

By Beverly Ventriss – 

In its first year since the separation of Sierra Del Mar Division, the Southern California Division collected $1,108,750 at the 1997 Self-Denial Ingathering for World Services.

“I thank God for the way in which each corps has responded to this need,” said divisional commander Lt. Colonel Alfred R. Van Cleef. “There is no question that our Self-Denial money is needed around the world. As we have given our best, I have every confidence that God is going to bless this gift and multiply it for his good and glory around the world.”

Program highlights included performances by the Southern California United Singing Company, directed by Faye Mallett, and the division’s Youth Band, led by B/M Chris Mallett. Dramatic presentations were also provided by the group “Jordan Toes,” Micah Productions, with Van Cleef presenting the Long Service Order award for 25 years’ service to Major Nancy Reyes Martinez of the Santa Ana Temple Corps.

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so cal passes $1 million in world service giving. self denial–lt. ron fenrich and son jonathan make a donation as lt. col. sherryl van cleef holds the basket. by beverly ventriss –. in its first year since the separation of sierra del mar division, the southern california division collected $1,108,750 at the 1997 self-denial ingathering for world services. “i thank god for the way in which each corps has responded to this need,” said divisional commander lt. colonel alfred r. van cleef. “there is no question that our self-denial money is needed around the world. as we have given our best, i have every confidence that god is going to bless this gift and multiply it for his good and glory around the world.”. program highlights included performances by the southern california united singing company, directed by faye mallett, and the division’s youth band, led by b/m chris mallett. dramatic presentations were also provided by the group “jordan toes,” micah productions, with van cleef presenting the long service order award for 25 years’ service to major nancy reyes martinez of the santa ana temple corps.
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