Singing Companies Show ‘Kids Count’

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So. Calif. Division

ALL TOGETHER, NOW!–Faye Mallett leads children in enthusiastic song during Southern California’s Divisional Singing Company Competition.



By Captain Ronda Gilger – 

Won’t ever be a super guy,
or fly to Mars to eat some pie!
But in God’s eyes, I’m great and strong.
Of him I’ll tell my whole life long!

The words themselves evoke a smile! “Kids Count” was the theme for Southern California Division’s Singing Company Competition. It was an event filled with joy–cheering for one another, laughing and giggling (quietly, of course!) mixed with lots of positive encouragement and love.

One by one, each Singing Company took its place on the platform of Los Angeles’ Congress Hall to sing the required song plus one of their own choosing. Each group showed its own uniqueness as the children charmed the judges with their “smart uniforms, attentive performances and Cheshire grins.”

Overheard was a comment that captured the heart, “We’ve got to win! We’ve got to win!”–answered by a friend, “Don’t you know it doesn’t matter how bad we lose, we’re still winners.” To which the first child said, “Sure.”

The crescendo of the event must certainly have been the mass chorus performing “Kids Count.” Over 250 children sang out with all of their hearts and lungs to God’s glory under the leadership of Divisional Music Director Chris Mallett.

Lt. Colonel Al Van Cleef awarded first prize in the competition to the LA. Korean Corps Singing Company. Second prize went to Oxnard Singing Company, which surprised everyone with their seven member group’s dynamic sound! Third prize went to Torrance, and the Divisional Commander’s Award, given to a newly formed Singing Company group, went to the Compton Temple Corps.

Comments Faye Mallett, who spends countless hours beside her husband in the musical development of Southern California children, “We love them all as if they were our very own!” And it certainly is evident in the hugs she receives from the kids themselves.

There is important ministry going on here! Memories and relationships which will carry these young ones into lives of love and service to the Savior.

There’s no doubt about it! In the Southern Calif. Division, “Kids Count!”

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