Silvercrest Ministries Forum addresses key issues

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One hundred and two delegates, including staff of Silvercrest residences, representatives of divisional headquarters, project management agents and corps officers of adjacent corps met recently at the Silvercrest Ministries Forum.

Program Secretary Lt. Colonel Raymond Peacock brought the keynote address highlighting the theme: “Dawn of a New Century of Service.” The sessions following gave ample opportunity to link service provision with our Western Territorial vision.

The first day addressed the importance of team ministry between corps and residence. A panel shared concrete examples of cooperative efforts that have worked well, followed by a discussion of how corps and residences might enhance their combined ministry.

No less than eight cultures are represented in Silvercrest residences and the session given by Geir Engøy, Secretary for Cross-Cultural Ministries on “Understanding Ethnic Cultures” was well-received.

Barbara Teller, executive director of the Pasadena Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependency presented two sessions on “Assisting the Alcohol Dependent Elder.” These sessions were sponsored by the American Society on the Aging and included a beginning dialogue with representatives of the Adult Rehabilitation Center command as to how Silvercrest residence staff might draw on the expertise of the ARC Command should elder residents choose a recovery lifestyle.

Sixty-seven delegates to the Forum participated in formal training by way of the Senior Housing Specialist Course, taught by Dr. Abbot Schulman, clinical psychologist with the National Center for Housing Management

This course dealt with aspects of aging in place and entitlement programs for the elderly. Also covered were critical skills in supportive counseling, communication, resident activities, networking and pertinent details of Fair Housing Act Amendments of 1988 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

Delegates who receive a passing grade on the examination given on the last day will receive certification as Senior Housing Specialists with the National Center for Housing Management.

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