Sierra Del Mar has “heart” for Tanzania women

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Until this summer, The Salvation Army in Tanzania, one of the world’s poorest countries, had not held a women’s Bible camp in years. The desire of Officers Commanding Lt. Colonel David J. Burrows and CPWO/Social Secretary Lt. Colonel Jean Burrows was to conduct three such camps during June and July. The Western Territory’s Heart Connection program turned this dream into a reality.

Through Heart Connection, the Sierra del Mar Division is partnered with the Tanzania Territory. Two corps from the division, San Diego Centre City led by Captains Thom and Trish Poochigian, and San Diego Citadel led by Majors Darvin and Betty Carpenter, expressed a keen interest in the Bible camp project. After raising their World Services assessment, both corps pressed on to raise the needed $3,000 to sponsor the camps.

The funds were raised, and the camps were held, with over 500 women attending. The theme was “Finding God in Unexpected Ways,” and that was the reality for most of the women who at one time or another came forward to the Mercy seat.

The three camps enabled every woman officer, two women local officers from each of Tanzania’s corps and women lay leaders of the command to come together in Christ. Many of them had not had the opportunity to gather this way for many years.

Every woman attending camp was given a Salvation Army wrap around skirt called a kanga. Kangas serve many purposes, including keeping clothes clean and carrying a baby; they can also be used as tablecloths and hall decorations. The Sierra del Mar contribution also funded food and craft materials.

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sierra del mar has “heart” for tanzania women. by joyce loomis, major –. until this summer, the salvation army in tanzania, one of the world’s poorest countries, had not held a women’s bible camp in years. the desire of officers commanding lt. colonel david j. burrows and cpwo/social secretary lt. colonel jean burrows was to conduct three such camps during june and july. the western territory’s heart connection program turned this dream into a reality. through heart connection, the sierra del mar division is partnered with the tanzania territory. two corps from the division, san diego centre city led by captains thom and trish poochigian, and san diego citadel led by majors darvin and betty carpenter, expressed a keen interest in the bible camp project. after raising their world services assessment, both corps pressed on to raise the needed $3,000 to sponsor the camps. the funds were raised, and the camps were held, with over 500 women attending. the theme was “finding god in unexpected ways,” and that was the reality for most of the women who at one time or another came forward to the mercy seat. the three camps enabled every woman officer, two women local officers from each of tanzania’s corps and women lay leaders of the command to come together in christ. many of them had not had the opportunity to gather this way for many years. every woman attending camp was given a salvation army wrap around skirt called a kanga. kangas serve many purposes, including keeping clothes clean and carrying a baby; they can also be used as tablecloths and hall decorations. the sierra del mar contribution also funded food and craft materials.
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