sharper focus- ‘Wind power’

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By Victor  Leslie, Lt. Colonel

Have you seen them? They appear in the desert valley—monster wind turbines, seemingly as tall as the Space Needle, lined up like supersized pinwheels planted in a row, with their gigantic, futuristic propellers faithfully churning the wind to produce energy, an eco-friendly response to the continuing depletion of natural resources. Even though the wind “blows wherever it pleases,” and we “cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going” (John 3:8), man’s ingenuity has harnessed the power of the wind to freely snatch kilowatts and megawatts of electricity from mid-air and create energy for our lives. Alternative energy!

Yet, as impressive and dumbfounding as it is for the power of the wind to create electricity, it is nothing compared to the transforming powerful wind of God that, by faith, blows in the human heart, cleansing it and electrifying it for living. I am talking about the living Wind of God, aka God’s Holy Spirit, described in the Scriptures by the Hebrew word ruach in order to encapsulate and articulate the powerful work of this third person of the Godhead. Nothing replicates the power that surges up when he is in our midst. Unfathomable energy!

We see him, this dominant Wind of God at the very beginning of Genesis, blowing over the face of the earth, creating this universe out of nothing, bringing order out of chaos and breathing life into humanity. See now! This dominant Wind of God is still working to bring order in the chaos of everyday living and to powerfully breathe a new creation in the hearts of those who respond to the gospel message. Pure supernatural energy!

We discover him, this calming Wind of God moving over the earth in the days of Noah, causing the waters to subside, making way for the olive leaf symbol of peace, and setting the scene for the rainbow covenant of grace that generously embraced every living creature in its eternal scope. Discover now! This calming Wind of God still moves in our generation, bringing peace in a turbulent world, reminding us of the new covenant of grace, salvation for whosoever believes. Definite renewable energy!

We hear him, this powerful Wind of God, whirling around in the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37, bringing instant energy to an army of people who had literally lost the life and power to fight. Hear now! This powerful, whirling Wind of God is still the resurrection and the life-giving source of our strength in victory, and marvelously, he still has the power to energize us for battle against the enemies of God’s kingdom. Transforming energy!

We feel God’s Spirit, like a mighty rushing wind, whipping up the energy of a band of forlorn disciples who feel his presence, discover his power, and are released for ministry and mission with such boldness that it results in the creation of the early church (Acts 2). Feel now! This same mysterious and majestic “ruach,” the Spirit of God, still blowing unseen among God’s people, in us, through us, yea, all over us with visible effects and huge impact in our global society. Unexplainable, dynamic energy!

Don’t miss out! Be plugged in to God’s invigorating storehouse of spiritual energy and supernatural power. Make good and efficient use of this electrifying Wind of God, allowing him to flow at full power in your daily lives, sparking new flames of faith and recharging fading “lights of the world” (Matt. 5:14-16)! Pray that the unrestrained voltage of the Wind of God will shock us, stir us and once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land…all nations, and…fill this house with glory (Hag. 2:6-9). So that once more, sons and daughters will prophesy, young men will see visions, old men will dream dreams…and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Acts 2: 17, 21). Pentecostal energy, or should I say, Holy, Wind Power!

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