sharper focus “Welcome to the fight”

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By Erin Wikle, Soldier

Dear Friends of Christ,

It was but moments ago that you were commissioned as The Salvation Army’s newest officers in this Great Fight. Hallelujah! It is with joy and excitement that I write to you, as a fellow friend, follower and Soldier of Christ.

As you commence the journey before you, do not lose focus on the One who has established his purpose in you. Do not ask that he “purpose” your endeavors as an officer—he is your purpose! His purpose will prevail (Prov. 19:21).

The red you now bear on your shoulders should reflect a red hot passion for others. You, friends, are entitled to nothing—less the privilege to serve, love, witness to, and shepherd the lost. You are not entitled, but have been entrusted to this work. As you gain greater responsibility and new territory, maintain a position of great humility before the Lord asking him to increase your anointing and influence. His power works best in your weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).

As you become entrenched in the tasks and demands of each day, do not become overwhelmed. Instead take time to make much of God. For he is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him (Phil. 2:13).

When you do grow weary, rest. But do not rest in the same sense the world does. Instead, run to the arms of your Savior and God—he is the one true source of your strength. His renewal and restoration is rivaled by no other (Isa. 40:31). Sweet moments of quiet will deepen your friendship with Christ and passion for the lost.

Do not grow cold or indifferent. Weep over your church and community. You are to have great compassion on his people (Matt. 9:36). Fight for the souls of the unsaved. War for God’s best in their lives. Let his Word be your greatest weapon; let whispered and shouted prayers be your greatest ally (Heb. 4:12, 1 Tim. 2:1).

Do not forget to celebrate. Rejoice over your church and community. Their victory is yours! It is fitting for the pure to praise him (Ps. 33:1). Let all those who take refuge and put their trust in God rejoice; let them ever sing and shout for joy, because he has made a covering over them and defends them; let those also who love his name be joyful in him (Ps. 5:11).

Never forget that your calling is not to serve in The Salvation Army, but in the Army of the Lord. You’re calling is no different than mine—it is to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God (Mic. 6:8). Your calling is to make Christ the head of your spiritual house (Josh. 24:15). Your calling is to be holy and blameless before the Lord (Col. 1:22b). Your calling is to love others into the kingdom of God (1 John 4:11-16). Your calling is to be abandoned to the cause of Christ.

Go with great boldness and excitement into his service; many blessings on each of you in all that lies ahead!

Welcome to the Fight.


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