Second territorial worship arts retreat

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Plan to attend in February 2009.

by Marjory Watson –

The second Territorial Worship Arts Retreat is planned for February 20-22, 2009, at Camp Kuratli, Ore.

Special guests Colonels Robert and Gwenyth Redhead will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the theme, “Engaging Worship.”

Five main electives will be offered this year: Praise and Worship, Dance, Drama, Film and Media Creation, and Painting in Worship. A team of instructors has been assembled to allow delegates a time of learning, sharing, encouragement and fun.

The cost is minimalonly a $25 registration fee plus your own travel expenses. Delegates are also asked to bring a sleeping bag and pillow.

Download the application online (salvationarmy.usawest.orgSalvationist ResourcesMusic and Worship DevelopmentWorship Arts Retreat) and submit to the THQ Music and Worship Development Department (Attn: Marjory Watson, 180 E. Ocean Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90802), by January 20.

Contact for more information.

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