‘Saved to Serve’ attracts 106 Western Salvationists

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bible study

JEFF AND TRINA Pockett, Sierra Del Mar youth department, join in a discussion at Sunday’s Bible study. (Photos by John Brackenbury)

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10

Saved to Serve was the theme for this year’s Salvation Army Life Service Conference, held recently at Crestmont College. More than 100 delegates from throughout the territory came together for a weekend of discovery.

Leaders were Territorial Youth and Candidates’ Secretary and Assistant Secretary Majors Brian and Millie Bearchell.

Colonel Phil Needham, chief secretary, addressed the delegates at Friday’s orientation. Afterwards, delegates chose two of the afternoon “Legacy of Service” classes.

Friday evening’s praise meeting included history of Sal-vation Army trivia and an inspiring message on service from Steve and Sharon Bussey, special guests from the Eastern Territory.

Shane Miller, Intermountain Division, said “We need to re-turn to the original fire for the lost and suffering that William Booth and other people had when the Army was started.”

On Saturday morning, a Bible study led by the cadets was followed by a united session with the Busseys.

After lunch, delegates attended “Preparing for Service” sessions based on their track–candidate, officership, or ministry. Those in the candidate track learned of SFOT campus life, curriculum, and finances. Officership and ministry separated for sessions on discipleship and missional service.

“In the sessions we discussed Kingdom theology and the anatomy of a disciple,” said Jamilah Pitchford, Alaska Di-vision.

Both tracks also had panels sharing different options within officership and lay ministry.

Sunday’s dinner was followed with inspirational music from Donnie Rasmussen, the weekend’s praise leader. Dan Whipple, LEADS, agreed that “The worship was great! I really felt God’s presence!” Delegates enjoyed the humor of Cory Edwards from Clean Comedians. Then, the Busseys gave a challenge to be “Committed to Serve.”

Sunday morning started with Bible study, followed by the Holiness meeting led by Ter-ritorial Program Secretary Lt. Colonel Raymond Peacock. The meeting included a testimony by Steve Bussey and a heart-warming solo by Cadet Erika Hernandez.

Territorial Personnel Secretary Colonel Donald Sather delivered the message to answer God’s individual call. Chris and Michelle Wikle, Southern California Division, agreed that “God used the weekend and the Busseys to call out a renewed Army of covenanted warriors who move under the fire of the Holy Spirit.”

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‘saved to serve’ attracts 106 western salvationists. life service conference. jeff and trina pockett, sierra del mar youth department, join in a discussion at sunday’s bible study. (photos by john brackenbury) each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering god’s grace in its various forms. 1 peter 4:10. saved to serve was the theme for this year’s salvation army life service conference, held recently at crestmont college. more than 100 delegates from throughout the territory came together for a weekend of discovery. leaders were territorial youth and candidates’ secretary and assistant secretary majors brian and millie bearchell. colonel phil needham, chief secretary, addressed the delegates at friday’s orientation. afterwards, delegates chose two of the afternoon “legacy of service” classes. friday evening’s praise meeting included history of sal-vation army trivia and an inspiring message on service from steve and sharon bussey, special guests from the eastern territory. shane miller, intermountain division, said “we need to re-turn to the original fire for the lost and suffering that william booth and other people had when the army was started.”. on saturday morning, a bible study led by the cadets was followed by a united session with the busseys. after lunch, delegates attended “preparing for service” sessions based on their track–candidate, officership, or ministry. those in the candidate track learned of sfot campus life, curriculum, and finances. officership and ministry separated for sessions on discipleship and missional service. “in the sessions we discussed kingdom theology and the anatomy of a disciple,” said jamilah pitchford, alaska di-vision. both tracks also had panels sharing different options within officership and lay ministry. sunday’s dinner was followed with inspirational music from donnie rasmussen, the weekend’s praise leader. dan whipple, leads, agreed that “the worship was great! i really felt god’s presence!” delegates enjoyed the humor of cory edwards from clean comedians. then, the busseys gave a challenge to be “committed to serve.”. sunday morning started with bible study, followed by the holiness meeting led by ter-ritorial program secretary lt. colonel raymond peacock. the meeting included a testimony by steve bussey and a heart-warming solo by cadet erika hernandez. territorial personnel secretary colonel donald sather delivered the message to answer god’s individual call. chris and michelle wikle, southern california division, agreed that “god used the weekend and the busseys to call out a renewed army of covenanted warriors who move under the fire of the holy spirit.”.
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