Salvation Army Refugee Response in Norway chronicled in online film

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Short film provides overview of The Salvation Army’s response in Germany and Norway.

The Salvation Army released a short online film highlighting its emergency refugee response in Norwa, introducing viewers to Sam and Sara Roen, Salvation Army soldiers who assist at a corps food bank and drop-in center.

The video release is part of a joint project between the International Headquarters Communications Section and the Video Production Unit from the United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland, and is the first of a number of releases planned for the coming months. Together these films will provide an overview of The Salvation Army’s refugee response in Germany and Norway.

The footage, accessed via The Salvation Army’s international website (, is designed to be shared online to help Salvationists, friends and the general public have a better understanding of the Army’s ministry to refugees and asylum seekers.

In this first video, the Roens help refugees from the Raufoss Corps, about 62 miles north of Oslo. While the corps is relatively small, its impact within the local community far exceeds its numbers. Currently it engages with many refugees who received accommodation by the Norwegian government in this rural town. Their needs are significant, and the financial allowance provided by the government needs supplementation. This is where the local corps, led by Captains Matthew and Rose Nanang, comes in. The corps provides food assistance and other intangible supports to refugees and their families awaiting finalization of their asylum-seeking applications.

And, as one refugee was keen to explain, assistance is offered regardless of religion or background. “It is human helping human,” he said.

For many of the refugees, having come from places like Iraq, Iran, Syria and Afghanistan, just surviving a Norwegian winter is a huge challenge. The offer of warm respite in the local Salvation Army hall is appreciated and the sense of community is strong within the corps and its outreach.

Sam and Sara arrived in Norway two years ago as Afghan refugees. The help and love they received from the Nanangs and their soldiers led to them accepting the invitation to become Christians and they are now taking their stand as Salvationists, working with other refugees.

“The first time we came to The Salvation Army we received love,” Sam said. “We are going to spread this love forward, not keep it to ourselves.”

Report by IHQ Communications
International Headquarters

The latest information about The Salvation Army’s refugee response and a secure online donation facility are on the IHQ website at

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